Morning Fun: Can You Spot The Differences?

77  2019-07-16 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Click here for the answer:

!Gotcha, there are none!!

Howdee do dat?

Are you sure? The only one on the right looks like a picture of the Cumia bros at some lame compound party, but it looks as though on the left a cow has been photoshopped into Joe Cumia’s place.

The one on the right is a better singer also better looking and more flexible?

Joe Cumia is the most embarrassing person alive.

Manatees are called "sea cows" I believe.

Bald, fat, stupid, and gray. Am I describing Joe or manatees?

Manatees are boring as fuck. Everyone hypes them up and they're just fucking shadows in the water.

Did you see the shadow in the water? Yeah. I saw the shadow in the water

Stull more entertaining than the solo joe experience, I imagine.

Not all manatees are gay.

Edit: Sorry, I misread that.

Moo of the hour

Okay I’ve spent almost 10 minutes trying to spot the difference but I’m just not seeing it.

That explains the propeller scars.

Wearing your shoes inside. Kind of a black guy thing to do if you ask me

I've seen folks get a visit from their case workers or parole officers and demand they take their shoes off at the door. Have some respect.

Shows up to his own birthday party in mesh shorts and a free t-shirt.

Everything comp'd

White trash fully embraces the philosophy "What I wear should be as comfortable to me as possible at all times."

Both of these 60 year-old men dress like I did in middle school. And I wasn’t a cool middle-schooler.

Say what you will about fat cows, but at least sea cows have a fuckable hole.

You mean the vagina? Not to be pedantic science guy, but manatees aren’t whales, and don’t have blow holes. They have their nostrils on their snout, like most animals.

I really had to zoom in, but: the karaoke track on the laptop is further into the song on the pic on the right. What do I win?

Two tickets to the big Fifty Cent/Rolling Stones show out at Jones Beach, courtesy of the only station that rocks!

Niiiiiiice. And good for the Stones, getting that sweet opening spot for Fitty. I think they’re finally gonna start going places now.

I heard the grand prize is Sue Lightning will do your taxes.

That girl can do my taxes any day, if you get my drift.

You just won 100 grand bro. yeah 100 grand chocolate bar what are you going to do?

Dammit. I was hoping for a Toy Yoda.


I can't.

The one on the right says "Manatee of the Hour", but other than that they're the same.

the one on the right is better

Why did you photoshop Bob Kelly into the second picture?

Manatee of the hour

For some reason I've never noticed how small that stage is.

I normally don’t give a shit what joe cumias doing but goddamn those shoes. Those shoes and a mini van are signs you’ve given up as a man.

He looks a bit thinner on the right picture but thats about it

Shut the fuck up, Donnie.