Serious Question: What's Joe's actual occupation?

11  2019-07-16 by LvL99BlackMage

I'm sure comments like: "Overseer of All Salivatory Collection From Soft Bodied Children" will be brought up but when I actually thought about all the clips I've heard from R&F and O&A, I've never heard someone ask Joe how work has been or what he's up to.

I just assumed he's been doing some kind of or variation of the labor that Anthony stopped doing when he got his radio gig.

Does Joe really not have a job? I always thought he was somewhat honorable for not leeching off his wife like some authors from Milwuakee are known to do.


Joe having a job? That flies like a cement plane

Tssss. A plane made out of cement would fly about as good as a plane made outta metal asumptin. Tssss

Did you really just do that unironically

Yes, stupid. I'm uninformed about complex aerodynamics.

When can I pencil you in to come kiss me gently upon my anus?

But I say that with nothing but love

He probably designates himself "Self Employed". He's probably paid as an independent contractor for his gigs (unless he's paid under-the-table) and files 1099s if he files at all. His daughter's mother has told us that Joe dodges child support amounts he should be paying by tax dodging Anthony's allowance to him through his shitty music business LLC.

His 63-year-old, Hawaiian-shirt-wearing, Goodwill-sunglasses-having, Oakley-flip-flops-clopping ass, filthy, fucked-up, slovenly goon is aware of and targeting you.

CEO of Brother Joe Entertainment bitches! 😎 🤙🏿

Octogenarian, retiree, and man-about-town

No thanks to you millennial redditards

Genuine Lazy Bum

Be fair, Joe wrote that line

What? A cow that can write? Why, if this is true, that state fair pig Wilbur ain't shit! I got a Radiant Steer!


Bar Mitvah Entertainer

Joes a leech.

Joe was a tin knocker (or something close) too for a lot of years before cosplaying different bands. Sal was a union official, and Joe and Anthony used to praise him for getting good contracts. And once Sal teased Anthony about get getting him his old job back, and it was reviled that Joe was doing the same type of work. This was revealed 12 - 15 years ago.

It like one big circle of fucking, freebasing, and nepotism when you see the Cumia's early life.

Thanks for the info, that's basically what I was picturing. Joe doing some form of skilled labour. Not as skilled as plumbing or electrical but yea.. tin knocking is what I'd describe it as too.

Most guys that remind me of Joe on Long Island with a house somehow are all carpenters and shit. White van men.

Novelty Radio Song Parody Producer

At least that's where his paycheck comes from. Oh wait.

He's also a male gigolo that lays it into incontinent old ladies for their late husband's death checks.

No wonder he calls it "Brother Joe Entertainment"

So joe is a scumbag(thanks Jim) who doesn't give his wife the fair amount of child support so he hides his Anthony Cumia wages ?

Welfare recipient

You don't consider musician to be a job?

If you're seriously asking, Joe's been taking a $60k per year retard allowance off Ant ever since Ant started making serious radio money.

See, Joe's the one who posted the copies of their band's parody singles to Howard Stern and Opie back in the day, and thus considers leeching off his brother a "return on his investment". The fact that he was trying to boost his career as well (they were both in the same band, after all) doesn't seem to matter; nor does the fact that Ant lost his high-paying job years ago. Personally I think since Ant married Joe's ex and then got fucking gouged on the divorce settlement, Joe should cough up a bunch of those payments, too - but I guess he's just a fair-weather brother.

There's a stomach-churning video of Joe and Ant explaining this deal that they posted, but they took it down and copyright strike it every time it's reposted, as it's just so hard to watch. Joe's trying to justify being something worse than a welfare queen, and Anthony's just in fear of accidentally confronting Joe about it.

I like your answer a lot, but please, it’s AntH.

Joe acts like this is totally normal behavior to leech off your siblings because of an "introduction." One of my old friends introduced his younger brother to a few of his friends that went on to be a popular late 90s post punk/rock band (skinny ties and shitty mop hair) that toured the world a dozen times and made millions.

In the 20 years I've known and hung out with the non-band one he's never even hinted that his brother owes him anything for talking up his brother and making the intro that got his foot in the door.

There's just something so pathetic about saying shit like "we're a tight family, you wouldn't understand what promises mean." Joe seems like the kind of friend who you flippantly say "I'll bet you ten bucks" over some dumb argument, then a week later seriously says, "You owe me $10 for that bet we made last week."

Veteran and father of four. Inventor of the “Joseph Lane”

LARPing enthusiast