Is the tendency for comedians to select sour and ungrateful spouses genetic or is it an LA thing?

12  2019-07-15 by literalotherkin


Least she’s honest.

Fair point. She straight up says basically that if there wasn't money I wouldn't be here. Yet somehow in her brain she can't seem to grasp that the thing she desires and isn't getting in the relationship -- more emotional attention or some other horse shit -- is the very thing that would end the relationship.

Women, am I right??

He literally spends 10h every day playing video games, goes to the Comedy Store and comes back home to play more video games. Bobby Lee is about the worst example of this. He'd literally starve to death without a girlfriend/caretaker.

A caretaker would be way less expensive. What does she do all day?

Cooking, cleaning, being useless otherwise, I suppose. Also making sure Bobby doesn't just lock himself in and occassionally goes to auditions. Also made him do the podcast.

A caretaker doesn't suck your tiny cock while you play with your food fungus. Or if she does, it's gonna be expensive. What I'm saiyng is that Bobby has nothing to offer besides money. Of course that's the main reason any woman would be with him.

The guy shits his pants and if he's stuck in traffic he will just shit on the seat of his car. She cleans it all up and then services his dink dong. She's a saint on earth.

She says she wouldn't be there if there wasn't money because that's all he has to offer.

She doesn't say that. Watch the clip.

"If we were poor, we'd be divorced because there's no way you'd know how to show me love. You throw money at my tears. If we were poor, what would you throw at my tears?"

That's exactly what she's saying. Which, I'm not gonna break my back defending this cunt but she's making a reasonable point.

That's what I got from it, that he doesn't know how to show love any other way.

Yes but that doesn't make it easy to make a thread about shitting on her

Her and Brendan Schaub fuck on a regular basis.

What? She's not a man.

Jesus, what an unapologetic whore

She looks a bit like the Washington Redskins logo.

At least this one doesn't looks like Idi Amin.

I understand her point. She said that the only way he shows love is with money so if he didn’t have any he wouldn’t show her love. Also she’s not stupid, why would a hot woman in LA marry only for love? That’s why Kelsey cook is an idiot.

Watch your mouth sir.

What a cunt

I love Bobby Lee and how fucking crazy he is and would have listened to his podcast from the beginning but that cunt always rubbed me the wrong way. Classic bitchy resting face. What an awful human being.

She also killed two of his unborn children. Seems very nurturing to me