The real 007

123  2019-07-14 by redditsipowillsuck


If that's really true that they're making 007 into black woman, they'll have to rename Blofeld's evil orginization from "SPECTRE" to "SPOOK."

And replace the cat with a pitbull

She is responsible for thwarting an evil super-villain whose nefarious plans were concocted in a secret compound.

Story checks out.

She beat a pedophile and made him go broke, now that's a movie Id go see.

Watch Play It Again Sam. A confirmed pedophile gets beat up -- the scene is funny though don't feel bad if you laugh.

Not all heroes wear capes.

And she probably has no idea what that one interaction did to someones career.

As much as I love James Bond, I really hope they confirm this story.
I am rock hard when I think of a nice fat box office crash due to retarded "SJW" decisions.

I love it too. What’s better is now that China is a huge market and are more racist/sexist than nana after too many bud lites. I don’t even think they released the best movie ever made (black panther) over there.

"Rmao we can't even show this fiction"

CNN is doing some show on movies and in the opening there's this epic montage of all the classic films and it ends with the shot of Black Panther when he was yelling "This is for Wakanda!". I fucking laughed out loud when I saw that shit.

Reminds me of EA’s decision to put women and trannies in Battlefield 5, a World War 2 shooter. Fans of the franchise said it was historically inaccurate (i.e. no black shemale Nazis) and the CEO called them misogynistic and told them not to buy the game, they didn’t and the EA stock crashed.

90% of the gamers who announced they were going to boycott that game went out and bought it anyway. Same thing happened with the Star Wars microtransaction game that everyone hates. “Hates.”

Gamers act like they’re savvy consumers, and they’re above it all, that they’re too cool to be pandered to, but most of them are addicted to buying AAA titles. They have no willpower.

There are certainly no trannies in Battlefield 5

This sub owes you a debt of gratitude ma’am.

Hotter than Nia also.




&$;;-:, James &$;;-:

Women 2 - Anth 0

I'd pay everything I've got to see Missy &/or Dani use Nana like a punchbag

Our current THICC Dani, or the drug addict bean pole that he fell in love with?

THiCC Dani looks like she could do him some damage

THICC Dani looks like she can land heavier punches, but drug addict Dani was feistier.

If he gets a pallet of BLs for the match, it's only fair she get a handful of miscellaneous pills.

Do you realize the meltdown that well ensue from the 007 thing? This has to be what gets Ant’s twitter taken away.

Ohhh I hadn’t thought of that. A few bud lights and he’s bound to say something that can finally get him banned.

Do you realize it's just part of the plot of the movie and that Daniel Craig is still the main character? Try reading the story.


Her majesty’s social service.

She saved us from having to listen to even more of Anthony's post-Zimmerman horseshit

He really lost his marbles after that whole thing.

Migger bad awwight

Well, she's out on bond.

I have no doubt that Anthomy's voice went up 2 octaves when confronted by that lady.

Then tough guy went home and talked shit on Twitter.


Vuuury good


Dr. Blow

I still laugh that a colored female inadvertantly cost him at least 600 grand

Wasn't he making like a million a year ? Probably cost him like 5-10M

Uhh dude? Newsflash: Anthony is making more money with Compound Media than he ever made at Sirius.

No Management, His Show

100,000+ subscribers!

Perfect night!

Twix bar!

Way more*

Confirmed by jirn Morton

Anthony is a retarded goblin.

Your simply the beeeeest....

I bet she towers over Ant.

"Double-O Seven? More like Double-O SPENDIN', AMIRITE, fellas? Eh, whaddo I know? Just a dumb honky from Boston. How 'bout them Celtics?"

Someone from the cumtown sub: “this gadget looks like a normal watch but it’s actually 15 minutes fast”


Fried Chicken With Love