Let me tell you something Joe Rogan, one time I was shopping for premium audio equipment down at Walmart

57  2019-07-14 by late_50s_why


Bill Cosby lookin ass nigga


There I was shopping at Walmart with my son, Joe Rogan... We were just looking for a good deal on speakers, when I sense the presence of some shady looking characters following us through the store, let me tell you dog. These cocksuckers wore black suits and sunglasses, Joe Rogan! Those were no mall cops, those were government agents, I shit you not! ... I didn't even get the speakers, because these fucking momos creeped us out hard, Joe Rogan!

You won't believe what happened next, dog!

In the 80s when walmart had a car chase division. They chased me and i stopped joe. I swear. To. God. This cuban motherfucker, big fucking dude, takes my son.. And fucking spikes him on the pavement joe... I ran to the hills and didnt look back.

So we leave the speakers in the store and get back to our car. Then my son tells me he is hungry, but the mall is full of these fucking agents or whatever the fuck they are, Joe Rogan. I had a bit of blow on me and you know how it surpresses your appetite... but you can't give it to a small child either, dog! Or at least step on it with a bit of aspirin before you give it to your child. 2 grams of coke, eightball of aspirin, I'm telling you Joe Rogan... two lines and that child will behave himself like a soldier...! Meanwhile two of these agents have followed us in a black car and are now chasing us through the suburbs, dog. Philly is crazy like that, Joe Rogan! Then these fucking cocksuckers cut me off at a red light and smash right into the passenger door side where my fucking son is sitting secured by a car belt, dog... The crash catapults my son onto the pavement where he now lays dying, Joe Rogan! I run out to embrace him in his final moments, but the agents are now shooting at me, trying to kill me as well, dog. What was I supposed to do? I ran until I found cops a few blocks over and told them what happened and shit.

Joe, if you think that anything about this photo , could be considered “sexual” you and the Suffolk county police should have a chat.

RIP Qadan :(