
51  2019-07-13 by comic631


His ass crack is now an oval.

Kuhn is 6’4 and had mental problems. He’s probably fine.

Not to mention that face. You'd think there's gotta be much more fuckable guys than him in lock up.

They’re not raping his face, stupid.

Yeah and his ass is TIGHT

To each his own, Tony. To each his own.

Qadan cracked his head like an ass

I wonder if he still has that same smirk now.

Guilty: Of not giving a fuck

Guilty of: painting an intersection with his sons face

Speaking of painting, some dude is an artist with the same name. For a minute I was excited that someone from here bought ChristopherKuhn.com. His paintings are pretty good, but unfortunately are overshadowed by a certain mulatto childkiller's mugshot on google.

We should send some to him to liven up his cell.

Guilty of painting an intersection with his sons face

Who was the madame this was in reference to?

Good idea to get into porn with literally no ass

Jesus fucking Christ, what is this

That bitch is one of the most disgusting pieces of garbage that I have ever seen.

Was this right after someone splashed bacon grease all over her? Yuck.

Why is no one acknowledging that monstrous fucking skin condition? Liking fat bitches is one thing, but she looks like the Chernobyl blast knocked her stomach into a patch of poison ivy.

Every in that thread should be executed.

What does she have, fucking measles or something?

holy hell. people are saying nice things to her. how?

A bunch of 50-to-life references...didn’t he only get like 8 years?

Lol those replies we're balanced and well-reasonee

one of the my favorite post of his was a comment when he was bragging about having a job that pays him every week

And taking Quadan to the park, yada yada

Don't forget his hot wife, and then it was revealed she looked like honey boo boo's mom.

When's he getting out?

Every October I dump a bunch of pico de gallo on the turnpike and hop over it.

Merry Kuhnsmas.

Ah, a Traditionalist

(Out of every single thing that's ever been posted to any of our subs or to Wackbag, I believe this may be the very worst, and I would he remiss if I didn't say so.)

I bet he has a prison Reddit account and feels all special now.

"yeah that's right, my son is dead because I really like oxycodone" - Kuhn's smirk

Y'all just jealous he's getting free Blade cuts for life

He was framed!


Very winning smile. Surely this fella is going places.

Kuhn looks like he’s having fun. He’s got a playful smile, almost as though he’s saying “ehhhh whaddaya want from me?”