Shame on You All for Missing This

6  2019-07-13 by FedallahX


I sent this to my dear mother, since it’s her favorite song. She has no idea who Slow Joe is, nor that I have any involvement in this shithole. Her words, quoted exactly:

“Oooh I love that song!! I don’t understand why this man sings though, is he famous for something else? He can play a chord or two but he sings like he’s had a stroke, and that face! Is he a short-bus man”? [our local terminology for adult retard]

I love my Mom so I told her he’s a local man who survived a traumatic brain injury. She bought it.

This is one of my favorite songs of all time. Objectively, is not a good cover.

short-bus man


Change your goddamn shirt



What is it with wops and burgundy walls?

This is Bobo’s house

Takes so many coats of paint to get rid of that shit.

Sings with his face cuz his voice stinks. Also has zero sense of phrasing.


Heh. Croce’s family was from S Italy too. Take from that what you will.

I can’t believe Joe felt the need to fucking butcher this beautiful song.