Joe is too scared to post anymore, now he spends all his child avoiding time downvoting posts. Downvote me you fat faggot.

64  2019-07-13 by killgav


joe cumia is a morbidly obese, deadbeat father of FOUR. Nice “girlfriend” too, you pathetic old leech. How’s it feel knowing you’ll be dead soon?

I'm convinced that Joe is blind. Carol looks like the reanimated corpse of a vulture and it would be nigh impossible to maintain an erection otherwise

It’s even worse. He sees (and smells) how repulsive and unlovable Carol Maxheimer-Walsh is, but he stays with her because she gets a small monthly stipend from her deceased husband.

He would rather parade around with that unfuckable trash than get a real job. He’s that parasitic!!


speaking of Po(as you were)... have we ever got Master Po (oos) to engage with the sub?

Joe Cumia lets transgender people of color shit in his mouth.

Lucky devil

Pathetic if true

that $60k p/year ain't gonna spend itself

I'm about to start dropping subpoenas on all of you redditards. Y'all are just jealous because she is a squirter.

He tried to bait me to agree that I would like to “assault” him yesterday but the dummy forgot to switch accounts. He deleted it almost immediately.

God DAMN it Joe is stupid.

What a bumbling Bessy.

Joe is 10 lbs of stupid in a 5 lb bag.

I upvoted you bro

Thank you sir

He couldn't stop mooing until Danny showed up. Then he shut right the fuck up.