Since that dummy deleted the post:

29  2019-07-12 by BigBlackDickSucker


He didn’t delete it. It was removed.


Keep your head on a swivel.

Well, please remove if there is an issue

By who? The mods, Reddit admins?

Mods, confirmed by Toss_pot, or whatever, but he said some other mod did so, and didn’t give a reason why. It’s whatever.

Yeah? YOU'RE whatever!

Moo and decist.

Disease and Pedist

The Reddit Administration.

Fucking retarded nigger.

Lmao idiotic bovine

Hey joe, you fat fuck. How’s that keto diet been treatin ya this year? You outta be down like 60-70lbs by now i’d say.

I hope you reach that weight loss goal, and then immediately crash that barbie fiat into a fucking elementary school.

Eat shit, joe.

/u/ichise8 what happened here? Looks like he embarrassed himself, again.

there seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here, fella. it was actually the mods who deleted that post. war hero joe is just amusing himself by getting another sub banned

6 subs down, down, the beige docs down. i can hear war hero joe laughing up a storm that rivals katrina, folks. he won, pal. now hes just playing with his food. also, opie is an active pedophile

I might be the only faggot that enjoys your input

Hahahahahahaha oh my God



You can tell he added the part himself because he forgot the period at the end. What an unbelievably wonderful entertaining retard. Also, he's 60 years old.