Serious question.

2  2019-07-11 by varamyr6skin

Where we at with Kevin Brennan?


The man's one of the few funny people left. As far as I'm concerned, he's a saint

Funny live, crumbles when confronted by the people he shit talks on his shows. I like him and his show though

I like him.

I heard he eats ass even though he’s a pussy. Alright in my book.

Where we at with sending Terry Clifford some nice tings?

Jesus Joe' you're like a bill collector.

Entertaining. Usually pretty funny if he gets upset and rolling.

I like how he names names when he’s telling a story. If ur not gonna tell me who ur talking about, I don’t care about the story. Blind items suck.

He’s fine. Somewhat funny and calls out everybody when they pull some gay shit. Besides him marrying a brown skin, I like him. That blind sidekick fucking stinks though.

He sucks and his voice is annoying. I don’t like him or his faggot brother who got owned by him gaffigan. Kevin also begged for his life on air when jimmy Martinez threatened him