Why does Anthony wear the same outfit everyday like a cartoon character?

58  2019-07-10 by Officer_McGrady


Because he's a tasteless wop.

Because he watches tv so much it blends with reailty.

Life imitating art.

Remember George Jetson? Haha holieee shit

He thinks:

-the cop/rockstar/graphic tee show he's young and cool -the button down covers up his love handles -the small sleeves show off his amazing shaved 10 inch pythons

-the button down covers up his love handles

Also reminds him of the days he still had his CCW permit.

Creedence Clearwater at Woodstock?

I'd rather wear a Star Wars or Atari shirt marketed to NPC men.

Children enjoy cartoons, Anthony enjoys children.

His uniform.

Because it's his best possible look.

Ummm hes a gay retarded bum nigger much like his cow brother

Because his mommy isn't around to dress him

Inspector Faggot

This made me realize that Anthony is like the depressing version of Jay Leno.

Both wops, both wear the same thing every day, both old men with no kids, both used to host a much more popular show than they currently do (I don’t know if that Leno car show is still going), both lost their popular shows controversially, both collectors (cars/guns).

Except Jay Leno has more money than God and didn’t get his collection of cars taken away after biting a woman.

You’re gonna have to go back to the drawing board with this one

And people still like Jay.


Which was that Ainthiny?

Demntia kicked in long ago, he can't recall wearing it before.

It's his gay shirt. He's fucking gay and likes cock.

because he is so ugly that it doesn't matter what he wears.

There was Sam the Retard, Jimmy the Worm, Artie No-Nose and Tony Two-Shirts. They called him that because he always wore two shirts.

"I'm gonna go put on a shirt, then another shirt."




funny shit

you just answered your own question

Because handsome and wealthy men in their 60's love to dress like the fat kid from Superbad.