This idiot has hair plugs and dyes his hair.

7  2019-07-10 by lolercakesmcgee


That man is also NOT sitting with a manbody beard prostitute who he once had arrested for burglarizing and trashing his house. At least child predator Cumia isn't posting creeper shots of grade school girls this time.

I don’t know what infuriated me more, his tweets, or the lapdogs that reply to him.

that's what you say when you're a phony faggot

Anthony is a gay man. A 100% catty old queen of a gay man.

No matter where he goes or what he does, he gets a few drinks in him and starts gossiping about the perfectly normal people around him in that fruity little cocksucker lisp of his. He critiques their hair, their clothes; pretty much every trivial little thing about them.

Straight men don't do that shit. Women and fags do. It's not even a little bit of a joke anymore. Anthony Jamal Cumia is an elderly homosexual who goes to very gay places (like Fire Island) with his very gay friends to do very gay things.

Ofcourse he is filming strangers, without their knowledge or consent.

That's what got him koed by a black joker, fired from a mutil million dollars job and put everyone's jobs at risk, theres no reason not to double down