This Fucking Cunt

31  2019-07-09 by CoolStoryBro9


Samantha "keep niggers away from my children's school" Bee

Even though I find her to be insufferably unfunny, she has brought me joy on two separate occasions. The first was when she gave me an excuse to say cunt in front of every feminist I knew for a week. The second was when I found out her and her husband were actively trying to stop their children’s school from allowing under privileged blacks to join.

All I know (haven't heard her voice since Jon Stewart) but Nick Dip hates her and cumtown currently loves her. Sooo, fuck this cunt!

I bet her vagina smells like an Antifa mess hall.

Can’t believe this show is still Fucking on. I’ve never heard anyone discuss her in the last 2 years, and don’t even see her pop up on websites for her “pithy, scathing” remarks. Nice momentum, stupid.

I love how she is left out of every discussion of late night hosts.

Joe Cumia had better chances.

You know this celeb whore has had liposuction to keep her face from sagging.

Her husband could do wayyy better. He could be getting some serious Hollywood pussy.

I remember seeing a promo where she said something to the effect of "I'm the only woman who can talk for a half an hour without being interrupted by a man" and some orange man bad lines. Like if that's your best material there's no way the show is good.

I hear she's only funny one week a month when she's on the rag.

It's not even an accurate joke. Women on talk way more than men, like in shear volume of words.

Drumpf!! Amirite people?!!!

Haha! Take that, patriarchy!

Idk, it’s pretty fun to bring up her and her husband fighting against integration every time she tries to get self-righteous about something

I can’t find the story. Link for the google challenged

Samantha Bee Gone Niggers