Or maybe lusting after underage cunt was more tiring than you thought.

80  2019-07-08 by Vawsh


the mans speaking nothing but the truth, pal. know what im sayin? the cumias win again!

also, opie is an active pedophile

so do I, chum. I couldn't give two shakes of a dead dogs dick for your opinions on opie if you catch my drift. when it comes to preying perverts with pedophilic predilictions I know that's a compound I ain't joinin'. obscurity wins again!

also, anthony cumia is an active pedophile

Hot Tub Tony

Jesus Christ. He actually thinks that's a "funny comeback"

Hahaha! I didn’t show respect to a friend and someone who helped made my show great—holee shit!

You don’t think that reflects well on his character? Nyehehehe

This ungrateful bisexual should be lucky that Opie chose him and not Joe.

Forget that, it's not to late. I would pay the entire 9 dollars a month for a daily Joseph and Bobo show.

He finds ways to make me hate him every date. Human garbage.

In reality, Opie and Anthony was dogshit for about 8 years, then Jimmy came on and made it listenable, then Jimmy's friends came on and it was a good show. Even in its five to eight year heydey, when no comics were in, it was back to being dogshit. Then the show became more bogged down in Anthony's braindead rants and Patrice died. Anthony, more than anyone, destroyed the show.

The ol' double-down diddler would never admit that though. How many times did he & opie comment on it being an easy show when the rest of them would just tear into each other? I think Missy is stranglefucking the last remaining brain cells to death at this point.

Jim killed it with the I eff tranny bullshit too

Nah, it worked for the time. When Jimmy got really into analyzing himself was the beginning of the end for his humor.

It maybe good the first three thousand times, but after a while when the boys talk about penis youd know a Morton "I is le gay" line is coming

Pre-syndication shows were the best. XM had some funny moments, but once they went back to FM, it got shitty. They didn’t want to do the FM & XM show and im sure if they could have, they would have dropped XM.

Well, kind of don't blame him for this one. That could be about 500-700 lbs between 6 people.

Idk if Worm Norten was a pallbearer but you know he wasn't lifting his share with his celery and egg white muscles.

That’s something you don’t blame Opie for you stupid cunt. Regardless of whatever you felt about Opie you should have done it for Patrice. God this man is insufferable.

Always has an excuse for his shitty behavior

In a lot of ways he is more wormy than the the some

He abandoned his own mother, what do you expect? HE'S A NIGGER! HE'S A NIGGER! HE'S A NIGGER!

The fact that a 65 year old man takes zero accountability for the fuck-ups he’s been responsible for is astonishing.

"Thedonandmikeshow" are Anthony ballwashers who've tried to spam that retarded "Who Are These Podcasts" CP Media bootlicker garbage podcast a couple times here. Pathetic faggots.

We're those guys cpmedia? They seemed like a bunch of chapo fags if anything?

They called Jim Norton one of the funniest comedians of all time.

Anthony's had them on his shitty show because they shit on Opie for his attention and never criticize CP Media. He also follows them on Twitter.

Those folks sold their soul to be on the compact cumia, what are good decision

You're good friend died and you still find a way to make it about your self. What a cunt.

no he did not?

i did nahht

He was carrying the eggs for the last two decades tho

Pitiful loser got his big break off a shitty parody song and now decides to act like he got it all on his own. Say what you want about Opie but he literally saved this faggot from installing Air Conditoners for the rest of his bi-curious life.

Exactly. He tried going on Stern, but Stern wasn't interested in him. Opie literally saved his life.

Stern already had an angry drunken dwarf.

Go have sex with jesus christ

Joe? Nana? Keith? Fred? Which faggot is it?

Literally the most famous line spoken by HTADD, you sodomites

This isn't the Stern sub, fag. Welcome to obscurity

You're the one that brought up Hank. You just called yourself a fag.

I cant quote the little subnormal

Hopefully he meets the same fate as Hank soon.

In his defense, I am not aware of Hank practicing pedophilia or being sodomized by confused boys

Remember when Ant went on Stern in the early 90s as part of some contest...the first thing that comes out of Howies mouth is "we've got some weird looking fans". People can't contain themselves when it comes to Ants ugliness.

You think he might have moved his way up to actually installing air conditioners?

bi-curious life

Once you buy the egg, I think you are beyond the curiosity.

"Buy the egg, take the ride"

So he's actually admitting it. Holy shit, there is no bottom to his shame.

Being a bottom is a normal occurrence for Tranpa.

bah dum tchh

Opie knows Patrice was cremated, right? Eh... who needs facts when you have big tits.

People who are cremated still have pallbearers, moron.

Except Opie claims he actually helped carry the casket. He's a fat tittied liar.

Anthony’s like the sore ex girlfriend who runs around telling everyone how small her ex’s dick is even though she was happily fucking him for 20 years.

Yeah, but Sue's dick is pretty fucking small.

That's oddly specific.

Such revisionism. Anthony never gave a shit about the O&A show. He was content to be a clock-in, clock-out, get paid kinda guy. How can you be the first person to leave the studio every day, literally speeding away in your Escalade, and claim to be the one ‘carrying’ the show?

I’m not implying that Opie did a great job either. But someone made the show work, someone was there to put the effort in. And it wasn’t fucking Mr. “I don’t want to be here, I just want to go home and get drunk” lazy guinea.

How can you be the first person to leave the studio every day

You left out being the second-to-last to arrive, before Jimmy.

Remember when Mr. "Po get my car" got sand in his vagina when Opie pointed out that there was a period of time when he didn't care about the show?


How many times did Opie have to call in a comic because Ant called in sick at the last minute? Or decided he'd leave work early to go on a cruise? Yeah, Opie wasn't personally funny, but he knew how to organize the show we loved. The comics were the show; Opie understood that, but Anthony still thinks he was the one who kept it going through 2014.

Ant is the typical delusional arrogant asshole.

He focus so much on what the perceives is "his job" and ignores all the other shit.

Oddly enough, "his job" is always some narrow thing that he's "great at", something quick in-and-out and something he likes to do. His job is never something boring, hard and unpleasant that needs to be done.

He's a complete leech who did even below the bare minimum but took all the rewards, and as usual with this kind of assholes, he thinks he was the one carrying the show and doing all the "important work".

Didn’t think I could hate Anthony more than Sam but he’s really been making it easy lately.

That's some wacky kooky stuff

They both need to reconcile themselves with the fact that one of them didn't carry the other but both of them plus Norton were all carried by the regular comedians they had on, their staff, and the regular group of tards like Lady Di and Marion, Bobo, Intern David, etc. that they'd have on. Almost all of the funniest, most memorable shit from the show was a result of people other than Opie, Anthony, or Jimmy. All three of them were just kind of along for the ride and were mostly there to provide filler because it couldn't be insanity all show, every show for all those years.

Bingo. The O&A show at its best was a destination for angry comics to attack each other. One of the things I like about Opie is he's the most willing to acknowledge that fact.

and he didn't visit his mom for five years

Joe Cumia, the architect of O&A.

Why is he still on twitter?

The thought of Anthony turning down being a pall bearer at Patrice’s funeral upsets me for two reasons:

1) it wasn’t just a radio thing, Patrice and Anthony really were good friends

2) Anthony was just as much a piece of shit in the good years as he is now. He didn’t change, it was just that nobody realized.

So why can't he carry his own network?

Abandoned his mother and abandoned Patrice, what a miserable little man.

Yes, Anthony, now that you are unburdened by Opie, we see exactly what a professional operation you can run.