Can I get some steak with my blood? Holy fuck dude that looks terrible.

0  2019-07-08 by redditsipowillsuck


I like my steak medium and people generally call me a pussy for it. The one in the picture is how most people I know like theirs.

I like mine on the rarer side, but I’m not some asshole who has to photograph it and brag.

Medium steak? What the heck’s the matter with you?

Autism and homosexuality.

Medium is for people who truly like steak. This bullshit in the photo above 99% of the time is for people who want to seem unique and special for eating it basically raw.

What a shit comment. What are you mayor of steaks? I like my shit rare because it tastes better.

It looks like an ok prime rib..

You could fill a wine glass with the blood pooling on top.

That's probably au jus. S&W is no joke.

(((Au jus)))

probably $95.

Yea, sorry redditsipowillsuck, but that prime rib looks pretty damn perfect to me

Who the fuck actually prefers a giant slab of meat anyway? I’d enjoy about 1/8th of that, eat another 1/8th with pure willpower and the rest would be fed to a dog or 2.

Piece of shit.

Gotta keep your appetite to gobble down all that cock, amirite?

Go shit your pants again weirdo.


You heard me

I feel like bad eating habits dont kill people fast enough.

Well done is the only way to go boys.

With a nice helping of ketchup

What am I losing a marriage to a police officer?!

No, you are writing faggy letters to his boss

What are you, 5?

I am a dragon when I eat I need it crispy and spicy

I like a nice Cajun steak

That sounds awfully limey of you...

that does look like some good prime rib.

I’d like it just slightly more cooked but I’d still eat the fuck out of it.

That steak is so rare, I can hear Joe Cumia still mooing.

Punching out.

Yeah that fine looking prime rib. I guess you have Sam Roberts tendies tastes

Even worse, I'm vegan.

I'm sure you can see your way out

Yea this one didn't go well.

It's not blood.

Anyone here ever had a steak cooked blue? The thought of it makes my tummy hurt.

The broad side could've had some searing. There's fine line between having a rare steak and just eating heated raw beef.

You redditards don't know what a fit marbled torso looks like

Primed For Heart Attack

Bunch of faggots acting to good for a good looking steak.