Topical and Hilarious!!

58  2019-07-07 by GhostofRoeCumia


I think Michael Richards bot would have delivered a much more worth while take.

We need him back. It feels empty without him.

You guys talking about former world champion and #1 bot on Reddit for 27 consecutive minutes, MichaelRichardsBot?

Throw his ass out, he's a nigger! HE'S A NIGGER! HE'S A NIGGER! A NIGGER! LOOK, THERE'S A NIGGER!

His wit was legendary.

These niggers are brave now without the Michael Richards bot to stick a fork in their ass 😪

he was silenced because his influence can swing elections

This mollusk fucks (or gets fucked by) tranny prostitutes and has shit and piss fetishes. He's definitely someone people should trust with what not to be concerned about with food contaminations and possible disease outbreaks.

Jimmy is very responsible. He takes PrEP when he isn’t raw dogging a bunch of trannies

You’ve seen the hog bestowed upon Prince Allen!? Lil Jimmy is getting split


Nice 51 word joke, stupid.

Gotta show he’s smart

He referred to ice cream as “frozen treats”

I’m still hilarious! Oh wait, wrong washed up defunct radio show host.

He's trying so hard to be accepted into the mainstream like Bill burr or that faggot Jim jefferies.

Faggots as they may be, they CAN be funny. Unlike this total faggot.

AIDS killed his funny (fake as it may have been, angry Jim used to be funny).

He was funny on the radio no doubt

Fat angry Jimmy used to be funny a long time ago. They all want to be the next Louis and they sanitize their comedy of anything truly edgy or provocative in hopes of mainstream appeal. It's not going to work for the worm.

Looking at a blinking nervous orb making closeted tranny jokes is a real easy sell

Norton was never funny.

On he radio he used to be.... never on stage though.

Hahha put an aids load in my butt. You sure that's froyo and not full fat ice cream? Thx xoxo

Jim isn’t funny unless he says edgy shit and even that wears thin “She should get a popsicle rammed up her snatch”

Shock kicking is so early 2000s

He knows what he’s talking about, he once took one lick on a pint of ice cream and blacked out for 14 hours.

It was rum raisin

This is how low the faggot's creativity has sunk. He's riffing on news headlines. Anyone with even the most basic sense of humor can not only do that, but do it in a more effective way than Jim. Awful

He needs a twitter botnet to reply to every joke tweet with “Not funny” from a different account each time.

Someone go on the darknet and hire a ruskie. I’ll throw in a few bucks

Exactly right. This is something your friend that tries too hard to be funny would post on Twitter not a professional comedian.

Literally sounds like something a science fiction writer would post


Does anyone else ever read his tweets and know instantly where the blinking is placed?

I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my hands when I reddit so I'd genuinely tell you if I was lying.

Yes, because when I think "Blue Bell Ice Cream" I think "Jim Norton, as they're just so inexorably linked in the public consciousness.

Oh, sorry, I meant "anal sex with monster-cocked Scandinavian he/shes", not "Blue Bell Ice Cream". Apologies for the slip-up.

nice Dad/anti humor, stupid

How can he suck so much at social media.

Remember, a lot of you guys thought this guy was funny at one time.

Only when he “played” a pedo. And just because I knew he was making fun of nana through uncle Paul. Still... my faggotry is acknowledged and accepted.

....said the Blue-Balled Dicklicker.

Nice statement, stupid.

Shut the fuck up you unfunny faggot