What do you mean I’m not going to live to see Max grow up?! Say that to my face!

39  2019-07-05 by lolercakesmcgee


Vienna sausage ear havin' ass nigga

More like a hot Cheeto

Hopefully Max’s second dad loves him enough to teach him good nutritional skills. That kid is gonna inherit Bobby’s junk DNA.

He's growing a second mouth to put food into.

His neck is making duck lips.

I hate saying this but people with the independent back-of-head fat should be executed.

why is dead WWE Legend Viscera's neckfat on this OandA sub?

Nice deflated brake pot neck.

Bobby is fat, he has 2 gunts on the back of his neck

Can someone zoom in on that thing then post it to r/chubby or something to see if anyone thinks it's a real pussy?


Why does he have a hot dog on the back of his head? How morbid do you have to be to have head fat??