Students who took school more seriously than the Cumia brothers 1/100

52  2019-07-05 by Peckas1


He got the girl...

Joe Cumia at the beginning of the month: "Righteous bucks.."

They think he’s a “try hard”. But think about how much they wanted a bite of that sweet bagel

Is that Norton's new girlfriend?

Alright Cue-mia

Alllllll I need are some tasty xanaxs, a cool budweiser and I'm fine.

This man is not handsome.

“Those guys are faaags”

((Joe walks into a bar where he thought he was supposed to play))

Hey wait, there's no gig for me in here!

"Hi Uncle Ant, you always knew how cute I thought you were"

(Moving In Stereo begins, eleven year old girl emerges from pool)