“What do you mean I can’t keep taking pointless selfies while you’re trying to work”?

31  2019-07-05 by UnclePaulsSoul


I wonder how many times he has heard “hey grandpa, calm down”.

What I want to see is his reaction when totally paralyzed by the muscle relaxant at what he just learned is "reassignment intervention" instead of a vasectomy, only cause some joker switched the chart on his bed.

Can you imagine what the dentist must've been thinking when that dumb fuck took his phone out and snapped a picture of himself in the chair. What an absolute embarrassment of a human being Joe Cumia is.

Dentist didn’t care. He got paid CASH.

Listen libtard dentist, when you pay CASH and don't CRY, you get to take as many selfies as you like.

Nice crop job, boomer