Re-watched the Jim and Sam docs porsalin did. Why did we let a fat, failed sci-fi author distract us from destroying these two waste of lives?

39  2019-07-05 by Czar662

These two deserve to be where Ants at now; grasping at any hint of attention in the realms of obscurity. Sams cunt attitude in his early years is already a justification for his beheading; now, he deserves to lose everything before he passes.


“we” didn’t. 11 autistic assholes got obsessed with that guy and burned the place down.

You’re not wrong

Exactly, 11 autistic assholes caused JoeH and AntH to win in the end and get the original and multiple other subreddits banned.

The original sub is still up, the wonky eyed fat faggot mod set it to private.


Well it all started with a jobless man stealing a vape pen

I could put strychnine in the guacamole

Sam really deserves to be unemployed for the talentless and annoying shit he is

At this point I don’t think this sub will ever do anything about Simian Sam.

The problem with Sam is his entitled attitude with no thought of any ramifications.

That and he has no redeeming qualities.

Sam did 9/11

I saw him I was there

"so like what you're like saying is that um like u think I did like 9/11? hey jirn do u think I did 9/11?"

"no I don't"

"so u don't then hehehehe"

Sam is as unfuckable as he is un-fuck-with-able. He's a legit sociopath and literally shameless. Any attention you pay him he will consider building a brand. "The only thing worse than being talked about, " he tells Jess through a mouth full of tendies, "is not being talked about.".

he really thinks he's a wrestler

We got lost.

we're still hilarious.


Because where there is unwarranted self importance, there follows the desire of the o&a sub