friendly reminder, folks

0  2019-07-04 by ichise8


patriotic war hero joe is celebrating the fourth of july with his lovely family and friends he didnt have to pay $750 each for

the opester is on a beach alone podcasting to 12 people with toddler feces around his small genitals

this has been 100% confirmed. war hero joe wins again! also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile

Aw man can't I like them both?

Joe can't afford to buy friends. That's why he has to approach people constantly and chat them up.

Joe, Opie's not in the Cumia business anymore.

Redditards mock joe’s military service, because he served during peacetime. Do you libtards really think it was just a coincidence that our enemies were afraid to attack us then?

Damn that’s some real shit. I never thought of it that way 💯 💯 💯 🇺🇸

Please. Even I can enter a contract.

Proper spelling is Choad

I know this has been said multiple times but TYFYS