On behalf of the ENTIRE UK , I , The Great RahStarAryan , wish a happy 4th of July to the UNCONQUERED USA . God Bless America and God bless the constitution as the apparatus to freedom . You saved us many times and the next you guys clean up the mess that we created , the pints on me $$$>£££

0  2019-07-04 by RahStarAryan


That motherfucker lived his whole life in luxury and he still has hobo teeth

No need to vote down Brothaman , he's not my King , in fact , he's sitting in MY seat .

He’s been voted “best teeth in Britain” for 58 years running

That's true , but only ten million houses in the UK have floridated water running from the tap and the palace is one of them .

Why has the Prince of "Wales"(his wife ain't that fat) got a Kippa on his head ?

The royal babies are ceremonially mutilated also.

Yes and it's done by Rabbis .
