The Strip Steaks - Episode 1 u/sibhashian13

0  2019-07-04 by tranthasourus


I want episode 2.

Every Wednesday, took about 2 hours to figure out how to post Episode 1

That will cost 1000 dollars

CPM business model

We have some really bad first episodes

Always takes time to get it right.

Working on it


Benny Hill music and drunk Norm? What is this?

It’s the first episode dummy

Enormous faggots trying to turn this sub into a brand.

Fair enough


Don't try to hit the stormfront talking points just because your gay, low rent podcast stinks.


Dude the 'Stormfront' insult is so tired. It's basically the equivalent of 'Did you type that from your mother's basement' which is gay. No Nazis under 50 have ever used that stupid site.

Update your shit.

I will when you niggers stop thinking parenthesis are funny.

So you'll stop sucking when other people stop sucking? That sucks.

Don't try to act above it, fag. You're the slightly more reasonable Anthony of this sub.

Some guy posted a tweet by some random Jewish comedian who uses the triple parenthesis. Take your beef up with him, sir.

I didn't say ironic jews were funny but that doesn't make you guys funny either. Also all modern comedians should be thrown in an oven, which I think is a much more important message.

Also all modern comedians should be thrown in an oven, which I think is a much more important message.

A message I think we can all unite behind.

god bless

u/nwordcountbot u/AllenRicketts

I’m drunk as shit. I’m not allowed to have fun?

You would be if some small part of you didn't legitimately think this was good. A tiny piece of you sincerely thinks you're carrying on the "O&A legacy" and you should both be shot for that.

Says the man that contributes nothing at all. Ever.

It's better to contribute nothing at all than embarrass myself on this level. Also stop trying to sext with me, nigga. If we're gonna trade dick pics, we should do it in front of everyone.

My name is Andrew Cole I live in Stamford Connecticut. If u want to be an asshole I forgive....


He wrote that ironic positive review on Amazon about a book not to be mentioned. Title rhymes with 'fuckshit pedo'

Yes I thought it would be funny. And there is an hour and a half of content that was terrible

come shoot me then, faggot. And O&A has no legacy, dummy.

Happy 4th of July.

You too, sweetie.

Go to bed, buddy

Copy my nigga


Mommy group in the comments.

The literal schizo is the most normal, level headed one in this thread. Shinkle bout it