Thanks to this sub

15  2019-07-04 by suirogerg

I can’t look at a cow without thinking of that shit-for-brains, Joe Cumia.


How often do you see cows?

Pretty frequently, not going to reveal my location because I am a coward REDDITARD. Nice try, Samcro 😎

I backtraced you and found your location to be: your bedroom. Consequences will never be the same!


Consequences will never be the same!

How’s the trucker lifestyle treating you?

Was going pretty well until I got motherfucked out of 500$ by some scumbag

I do fine, until I see the manure.

Living in fucking deep south Texas I see cows constantly, just none doing shit a stupid as Joe.

Its not that he looks particularly like a cow or something. Its just the bovine stare. You look at the dude in the eyes you can tell a sedated beef cow has the same level of brain activity