Congrats to Joe for making it into Howard's presentation

63  2019-07-03 by bovinebrain


Classic series of desperate, bottom of the barrel tweets from ol fatso joe.

Hey joe, why don’t you stick to a weight-loss plan? Is it because you lack discipline? Or is it because you’ve graduated from child spit to child flesh? Fucking fat cannibal.


The fat fuck, in the first sentence of that bullshit, admitted that he ate bacon egg & cheese on a roll for breakfast daily. He really wondered why he was a fatass piece of shit

Pathetic if true

Wow. Joe is trying to get his allowance raised

Well he gave it the old compound media try

This is great, an awesome hybrid of faggotry and a crossover success.

AnthOnSternShow SternOnAnthShow


"TACS is growing so fast and being noticed by so many"... I think Joe may be embellishing a little.

1000 subscribers and counting...down!

“Howie! Pretty please have my baby brother on your show. His career is drying up quick and he is my paypig. I dont have any marketable skills whatsoever so a bump in the ratings would be awesome. Thanks bro”

"Hey uhhh uhh so uhhh uh anth you see how uhh i uhh uh pwned Howard today on twittah? i showed them you uhh gonna be on there soon lil broduh I made SURE. Anth uh you know you my little brother i took care of you since we waz keedz can you front me 500$ bucks carol wont get her check for 2 uh more uh weeks and those chinese noodle niggers ripped me off on a guitar again anth.

If Howard knows what a pussy Anthony is, he should definitely do the show.

He could just walk in, shit on him for half an hour and leave, and Tony Two Shirts would just sit there and take it.