What kind of asshole would enjoy these hokey bullshit "tips"?

3  2019-07-03 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


For those who don't know, failed comedian Gary Gulman just writes these trite advice tweets all day, every day. They stink, and I don't like em.

It's amazing how a joke on a fairly obscure White Nationalist podcast has spread and how many random people I see who embrace it as some kind of attempted push back. Why on Earth would you still be putting your name in triple parenthesis?


What is it with comics still getting into high school style beefs and scuffles well into their 50’s? Seems rather strange to me

Quinn should sue for stealing his bit. While he's at it sue Vos too.

Never heard this guy be funny. But will give Him credit as he’s smashed some top shelf cooz

that's really directed at Jim. A reminder to call your mother.

He seems to be quite a cunt. But I have to say I enjoy his Conan appearances. The role play bit and the naming convention one where both really well crafted comedy. Not just some low-effort horseshit most of modern comedy consists off.

Still, hope he gets AIDS.

this guy ruined ron&fez every time he was on. unfunny and awkward