“Very diverse in here, folks. Like the fifties space program! Right?!?”

42  2019-07-03 by JMueller2012


4 year anniversary coming up

The TSN turning point.

Could’ve been a decent line if he hadn’t already used it a dozen times prior to this appearance and then delivered it so horribly.

I imagine he used it at every o n a live event. He probably says it every poker game.

Do you think he really believes it's a great line, or that his alcoholism has progressed where he genuinely doesn't recall using it before and thinks he's dropping a gem when he says it?

I bet Jim still hasn't seen it.

I’ll actually cut him a break on that one because its truly unwatchable

What do you mean? He watched 85% of the set and concluded that 🐜 H didn’t bomb

Civilians don't know what that word means. Fucking scumbags

Why would he? Wouldn’t want to leave the possibility of this absolute gold somehow entering Jim’s act, would you?

Oh yeah, he's twitchy already like a mafucka all on his own. We don't need him to be further influenced by Nana's uncontrollable thumb twitch.

The retard doesn’t know how many black people were apart of that program and hidden. Never mind the nazis


And that's just his physical appearance

Now I have to fuck them hungry!! And let me get to my 12 minutes on Joe DeRosa, who isn't here or known.

He's so self-absorbed he assumed everyone knows and is up on what he's into: 1950s NASA, Joe Derosa, and white supremacy.

But seriously folks!