Discussion Thread: Do you guys think Joe Moomia is more of a dairy cow or a beef cow?

6  2019-07-02 by TheGhostOfAbeVigoda

Clearly dairy, right?


Would you eat that meat?

Yeah me neither

I don't know if I'd drink the milk either to be honest. He's even useless as a cow for fuck's sake.

This place is gonna turn unto Lord of the Flies again at some point anyway, i say save him for then so we can burn him and dance like savages round him while he burns

He's a dairy cow that waits for male farmers to come along and tug on his udders.

He's a Steer

But he has teats


He's a bum steer.

Fuck, now I want to write a parody of Fugue for Tinhorns.

He's a fertilizer cow. He just stands around chewing his cud and shitting all over the ground and himself.

He only eats green eggs and ham. His shit's no good either. He's the perfect cow for the bolt.

We milk him for entertainment constantly, what do you think?

He’s a Lol Cow

Later Moonie see ya soonie!

With those sagy udders he must be a dairy cow.

He's a card-carrying member of Heifer International.

Dairy cow who is into beef bulls