Followers of Dark Father:

3  2019-07-01 by timallenonacid

I’ve noticed many of you have not said your Hail Satan’s today. Our Dark Lord would be very displeased if someone were to report this to him.

Also, there needs to be more sodomy taking place. There are a great many penises here and an equal amount of assholes for fucking so it should work out handsomely.

One more thing, the Roach is not getting the appreciation they deserve for rocking so hard and badass. It’s our Dark Lord’s favourite music act and some threads about your time spent enjoying the Roach would be great, He’d love to read them.

Other than that, good work around here. Our Dark Lord is happy, keep tormenting z list celebrities, spewing vulgarity, ingesting drugs and entertaining suicidal thoughts 👿 🤘