I wonder if the dentist gave him a wowipop at the end for being such a brave boy. #BraveBoyJoe

57  2019-07-01 by DumbCowJoe


And no gag reflex.

He looks more cow in this picture than any other photo of him


“If I need that root canal, do you guys take 2012 model iPads?”

AntH has a box full of iPads ready to be shipped off as “charity” for prepubescent girls

Not supposed to shoot testosterone in your mouth, stupid.

The boys at the big apple ranch told him otherwise

I’m surprised it wasn’t COMP’d.

You don't see the red Gatorade, and turkey sandwich in the picture, but you best believe Joe gets what he's owed.

Luxuries not afforded to most.

Certainly not when you have to use insurance for dental...how pedestrian!

He pays in cash because his credit history is so bad, he can't open a banking account

You joke, but that’s a real problem in his community.

cause he skips taxes and dosent leave a paper trail

He probably has a RUSH card.

Has he ever had steady employment?

Um, he created the Opie and Anthony Show that was on the air for 20 yrs, Samcro Joe doesn't need employment

Sidenote.... Did Anthony ever get 100 % of his O&A money? The ex-wife got his big contract money, and well Joe.....Joe has gotten charity from Anthony the entire time.

I can't imagine handing cash to a fucking dentist. Even if you're not going through insurance or being billed later, wouldn't you just use a credit or even a debit card? A check? Cash is probably the trashiest way to pay outside of not paying at all. Classless bald asshole.

He’s living with a decrepit, unfuckable widow in exchange for enough money for basic dental. Sad!

CASH = no health insurance = no job = nanas money

I sweat, scream and even passed out once. But I’m not a nigger and use insurance so they happily book me for another appointment.

Self proclaimed tyrant.

Pays with his little brother’s cash

Someone needs to lay off all that Red Gatorade

My dentist told me once when I was younger that my dad was crazy for never needing novacaine no matter what he had done. I never knew he didn't use it. My said is around Joe's age. He's never taken a selfie, doesn't use social media and would dream of bragging about it to everyone.

Sounds like a wonderful man and solid male influence.

What idiot is proud of NOT having dental insurance?

Stupid old Cow.

Why would the dentist give a fuck if it's cash or insurance?

he wanted credit because he doesnt scream at the dentist ... okay sailor thank you for your service

The only thing being paid in cash is good for is avoiding taxes. Idiot Joe just assumes his dentist is a crook.

Joe thinks that every business is run like a cash only pizza joint.


No cold sweats and I pay cash,,,,,,,,, what are you waiting for Joe? A fucking round of applause you cow headed fuck. Who the fuck brags about going to the dentist?.

No cold sweats, no screaming. Congrats Joe you acted like every other adult male. Stop congratulating yourself for doing basic shit.

To be fair, the majority of children and women also don't break out in cold sweats or scream when getting routine dental work done.