I despise this faggot

17  2019-07-01 by feedfatrick


Please stop this shit. I like enjoying some of the good things from 2008.

Isn't he a gigantic fat person?

Judging how his sausage fingers are glistening as if freshly licked after reaching into a bag of Funions, I'd say yes.

If you cut them open you would find little bits of onion and sage.

i'll have to take your word for that, pardner

I remember I used to respect Steven Knight for being one of the most reliable uploaders. Then he decided to show us who he was... I just hope Logan Primate wasn’t a fag too.

Was jasonayieter a fag? I sure hope not

He hated weirdfellas, so he's all aces in my book.

Steven Knight. Fucking hell what a bummer that guy became. Before he went nuts he'd post videos talking about school or his dog and I'd think 'Hey there's a pretty regular, if slightly effete, British person who's a fan of the show' but then Trump happened and it broke his brain.

Also I hope 'HooHooRobin' doesn't turn out to be a fag he's how I got into the show.

I think Steven Knight was before my time, wha happened?

Nice premise, stupid

Thankfully, he'll be with Ralphie May and Josh Fonner soon enough.

Lord Of The Onion Rings

Trim your fucking nails. You can tell he leta it grow up to his fingertips. Gross, poor hygiene

Put down the mountain dew tubby