The express lane to hell

23  2019-06-30 by realestassdude


Isn't that the one that was complaining because he couldn't become pregnant?

Not sure, but I may confuse him with the one who's petitioning the UN for making the earth spin along a different axis.

That poor dog

Why are we supporting Mother Nature with climate change legislation when shes so clearly transphobic? She subscribes to binary and traditional gender roles, preventing me from birthing children through my mutilated penis and having to fill my body with dangerous chemicals to maintain my womanly bosom. I'm literally shaking.

Would ya?


“Let’s see what channels Jim follows...”

i dont believe too much in the devil (or i better hope it doesn't exist) but if i had to point a finger at something this would be it

Calm down everyone. These creatures usually off themselves at or around their 30s.

he/she is somebody's child ultimately. who legitimately would want to come into the same position ever?

if you have a son, just imagine him with fake tits, being fucked angrily by Ant and Jim Norton!

There is only one thing to do if your child veers this far off gods path. Naturally I would convert to Islam and cuts its head off to save my family name. He can be gay all he wants, no prob. But when you mentioned that he could come in contact with swarthy unsavory predators, he’s better off dead.

I knew it was only a matter of time before the dog fuckers came out of the woodwork.

Looking forward to the final video..."I'm dying of AIDS".

| Gigi

god damn it aids jokes still always get me

Always funny

It's exactly Tranthony's type though. Just gotta make the age much lower.


This thing shoukd be burned alive. I mean being a fag, fine. Being a tranny, fine. But being a jew?

god damn it's like an attention seeking, i'm special look at me me me me me downward spiral to end all downward spirals

surprised he went with jew over muslim though