What are you doing?

34  2019-06-30 by kte_osrs

Joe I laugh at you every day and think you’re a complete joke, but seriously you pathetic loser, why are you letting some rat-faced retard run your soulless brother’s business into the ground?

If your dumb little brother is gonna give hundreds of thousands of dollars away, it might as well go to you. At least you’ll be smart with the money and protect his interests.

Keith has the charisma of an Ant. He’s creepy and 5’10. You’re supposed to be a professional showman so fucking act like it.



Good point

“charisma of an Ant”. You could of used any other bug/insect and you go for the one that shares a name with one of the 4 people we shit on here.

Nice analogy, stupid.

I hear they sell some pretty good combat frying pans at JoeCumia.com. Joe, you know what to do.

Yea , his names Keith. You know what to do. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.

Keith strikes me as the type of guy that if you tell him he’s not doing something right he gets mad and digs his heels in. And he also seems like he does that cop thing where they are assholes to people for no reason.