People used to rush to make compilations of major moments in O&A universe history

22  2019-06-30 by PMCrystalMeth

Don't see that no more.

I was looking for a comp of Jim "nigger" Norton crying about his big dicked Scandinavian ex but I couldn't find one and I realized... No one cares anymore.

This is true obscurity.


Untrue! There's an hour or so long compilation of Jim and Sam about an intern who's mom made a cake that wasn't very good, and also a camera went missing!

Why would anyone make a compilation of shit nobody listens to?

I guess what I was looking for was a Jim cringe comp of him saying shit like "she spoke to someone she shouldn't have" and other comics shitting on him.

You're right though. I don't even catch myself listening to Colin Quinn episodes anymore.

I’m not even complaining to complain. I wish it was a better product to invest my time in.

I could have sworn there was a clip of Jim getting asked "how does her pussy look?" (which would make sense to ask him because he always talks about how he loves big labia) and then he nervously said "oh it's nice..."

Did that really happen or am I crazy?