Typical Compound fans

24  2019-06-29 by ShiIIyFaggot


Disgusting. I’d rather wear Fonner’s tightly whiteys as a ski mask than be with these mutants.

That's extreme... they're not mutants

Fred from Brooklyn almost died because he got sepsis from an armpit hair. He's a mutant.

Good to see John McCaffee outside of his Belize compound.

"Photos with Fred From Brooklyn $5.00"

Nice Master race, stupids

Is that Arcie Bunker I see in the background?

Nah is Plankfoot himself

Look at these yokels.

That 1890s sea captain looks ok in my book.

Bitch can't even walk.

They asked to paint the walls Joe and Kurt Love shade of red.

Bobo’s house is painted that shade of red too

Shes in the hot tub right now

"Only one toe left"

It's fuckin Fred from Brooklyn... He was a phone-based one-off character from a long-dead radio show... where is the fucking demand?