Who's all hyped for comedians of the compound tonight?

40  2019-06-28 by ants_ccw_permit


Less than half the stated audience apparently


Helloooo..... Shane Gillis and crew.

I’m not sure I would go even if someone paid me to.

Everyone has a price.

A juul and a soundbar

You think Ant can be bothered to go to it?

There's a live podcast & q&a afterwards!!!

Followed by a solo Joe show

I always read that as Slow Joe Show

"Just like Eric!"

Obviously a joke: I hope nobody twitters Anth re cancelling Joe's show

Gregorian chants?!?

tap-tap tap-tap tap-tap TAP TAP TAP


Joe: are you carrying your White supremacist violence license?

I would have went if I had known this and the best medium for advertising would have been a billboard.

How many sharpies and Fiji water will Ant have stacked in front of him?

Ant leave the house? There might be negros or teenagers outside.

Who's ant?

Brother Ant. He was some bit player in one of superstar producer/guitarist/father of 4 Joe Samcro Cumia's music videos.

He can get wasted on the job. That's the only thing that can make him "work" on a Friday.

Hopefully there's a gas leak.


Mike Ward gonna be there. Trust me, you don't want to miss it.

Oddly enough, he's a household name where I'm from. Every show of his is sold out and his 'Sous Écoute' podcast is huge.

Here in America we don’t give a fuck about that hack loser

Levittown is a shit hole

Who? What?

You been living under a rock or something???

The only reason i know what that is is from Kevin Brennan promoting it by explaining what a huge failure it is

So, so, so you're SAYING my BROTHER, ANTHONY CUMIA, is using ticket sale REVENUE from this EVENT to buy child BRIDES from poor algerian GOAT herders.

Just BECAUSE he likes FUCKING CHILDREN?Thats a little FAR FETCHED. 😎😎😎

Revenue. Heh. Good one. Even if he pays the comedians in exposure he’ll lose money.

I can't wait for the highlights.

I've heard Patrice will be there.

No Patrice died of sugar years ago, sir.

I've been told blacks aren't allowed.

Less than half of the seats are sold. 9 comedians can’t sell out a venue that Bobby Kelly sells out twice in a night. Anthony is living in obscurity with his delusions.

Shit, you weren't kidding. I've NEVER seen the ability to buy 25 tickets at once on ANY site. They must be incredibly desperate to moove their inventory.

There is, of course, no cart timeout to release the tickets back. Can we all park 25 tickets in a shopping cart so even if some rube does want to go, they can't? That would be a great bit.


Think we found Joe’s new alt, boys.

I'm sure it doesn't work this way, but I really hope the venue sees 25 tickets in the cart and their spirits are lifted. Woo Hoo!! We might break even on this event after all!!!! And then they just sit in the cart, never to be purchased.

Well gorgeous I's pumped for Spik Brodsy, Casimir Honkquist, Bolo Rumpumpi but gonna pass on Brad Funkock cause who the zumock is that loser even

Take a lap.

You could have told me that already happened yesterday and I would have not had a clue

Isn't that shit like $65?

Inbreeding is hilarious.

That retard is more entertaining than anything CM ever put out

Oh that is not what I pictured. He has way more hair and teeth and way less belly, tattoos, and retardation than I expected. He does resemble a less deformed Brad Williams but way to be semi-normal living in a proper house.


Can someone tell me what the all star lineup looks like?

It look like the 50s space program!!!

I can’t wait to hear Jim talk about it on Monday. I mean, he IS gonna support his friend, right?