I was in a charitable mood and I used to enjoy Jim's impressions, so I clicked... but this eliciting HOWLS of laughter in studio is pathetic

8  2019-06-27 by billdipshitbellamy


That actually made me laugh because I was fully expecting him to just yell "THIS IS CNN" over and over in the Chip voice but he kind of unexpectedly nailed it. That said, I only watched a minute and a half of it.

That said, I only watched a minute and a half of it.

Come on Jim, you’re not even being subtle. Honestly, I’d tell you if you were.

I'm really Abe Vigoda. Genuinely.

flails arms

You can see the self doubt he has now. He knows he’s a has been that never really was and he’s now stuck with this mongoloid backstabber.

Fawking hilarious. Home run Chipperson!

This is actually a funny part of the show. The shows speckled with funny moments here and there, but manly it’s just millennial references from Sam.