Reminder: Joe once called in and let slip that “Buzz” from Anthony’s childhood stories actually looked like a Neanderthal. Anthony was always vague on her looks when retelling his story up until Joe’s reveal.

41  2019-06-27 by wwendell


Gonna need to hear that.

AntH was an ugly little wop with bad acne. No halfway decent 19 year old girl is fucking an ugly little acne ridden 13 year old boy

Makes sense

What else did anyone picture a girl called "buzz" to look like?

buzz from home alone



Lol, he's such a fucking nuisance. Anthony must secretly despite that retard.

They both used to groan whenever that retard called the hotline. Even in the wnew days everyone knew he was a derelict.

I don't think this is true. They used to seem excited that the famous Brother Joe from 2U was calling in.


That fits my theory that Buzz was actually Joe, or maybe both Joes, Jr and Sr.

Buzz, your boyfriend, woof!

His wife was also a Neanderthal, maybe she reminded him of buzz

Cha-Ka face accepts his divorce settlement checks under PROTEST.

When will the truth come out that Buzz was actually a guy?

buzz is joe.

Any chick nicknamed "Buzz" isn't gonna be a real looker.

A Buzz AMA would be an Apollo 13-worthy moment.

Buzz made Anthony gay.