/r/LOS defending Jim Norton's lack of loyalty to Louis CK because he was still fiercely loyal to Ant (a pedophile).

19  2019-06-26 by RapistWithHIV


If Jim could get someone more famous to go on the Chipperson show he would shitcan Cumia in a second.

Jim wasn't even loyal to Cumia to begin with, so I don't understand these los retards point. "Jim fought Sirius to allow Arabs in the building again." Yeah... after the worm stayed with Opie despite hating him because of a safe paycheck. I got attacked by these nu-metal fat bodies for pointing this out. "DAWG ANY1 WUD TAKE DA MONEY GUY", they stated.

Fundamental lack of integrity with these miscreant wiggers.

Holy shit they are retarded

Nana knows where the dead trannies are buried.

Did you even read the article? In what way did he throw him under the bus? Are you fucking around?

They are insane.

/u/ThePRRattlesnake, how does it feel to know your fanbase is fucking stupid? Thank God you at least know that Jim is an untrustable worm.

/u/ThePRRattlesnake just admit it, being a guest on The Chip Chipperson show is uncomfortable and probably feels like an eternity of dead air.

It's time we take those faggots down a couple notches.


Lets kick them out of here before we go declaring war.

"Anthony hasn't been called out by mainstream media yet, just a bunch of "trolls" on reddit."

"Yeah he’s been living in obscurity for years. We’re the only ones who kind of give two shits about him. And that’s because I love hating the creepy old faggot."