The only shirt that sold more poorly than the AA merch. Any reasonable society would shoot anyone wearing a shirt with Cumia and Landau on it on sight.

7  2019-06-26 by breewagoner


This is the only way he's allowed to have guns

Fuck that's embarrassing

is anything they do original? geez, a nice guys ripoff.

Surely they pay/paid a licensing fee to use that image!

Definitely. Someone should reach out to Warner Bros and thank them for licensing it to Anthony for his merchandise.

Yeah, way to pick a movie to parody that made absolutely no impact. I've seen it twice and I remember absolutely nothing about it. I know I enjoyed it enough but I can't remember a single part of it.

It was no Good Burger, eh?

Surprised this senile prick hasn't got a Sgt. Barnes parody shirt yet.

Another Steve Torelli knockoff masterpiece

Is Landcow’s neck really that long or is this just a hilariously badly done design?

Of course Ant had to be the guy holding a gun

People would have to know who they are in order to be upset about it

If you want a shirt that will result in no feedback whatsoever, then look no further.

I guarantee they have not sold a single one of these faggy shirts

It's actually the perfect ice breaker. "What the fuck is the Anthony Cumia show and why are you wearing a badly photoshopped parody shirt promoting it?"


Could we dmca their asses?

A 1970s reference from TV? How unexpected.