Their 800 dollar man is still featured on the site. Nice dev team, stupid.

70  2019-06-26 by redditsipowillsuck


“Yes, this is the $800 fuschjitive and I’m going to give you a clue” - Bobo

"...n-no, nothing, no the dog just walked a little- THE DOG WALKED A LITTLE TOO CLOSE"

I like that this retatds thoughts can be turned off by something like that.

The filtering of faces from CM is some of the creepiest advertising I've ever seen. It's like this weird in between world where people are half puppet, half cartoon. The real photo of Kevin underneath just makes it that much more horrible.

These guys are all over 50 too. It looks like deviant art account for a furry fan

It's all shitty 2001 New Grounds Flash Animation graphics.

Yeah Cokelogic

What do you think they paid him ?

In insulin vials

The real hand with the shitty cartoon face is extra disturbing

Looks like something that loser cokelogic would make in 2007

He does these illustrations, you'd think it was the real people!

search for Kevin Brennan on the website and it shows 8 results and none of them are his podcast.

The website is terrible.

I hate the dark grey background, you also go white or black, you never do grey, you just...don't.

Shoutout to cokelogic.

If they stop promoting Kevin Brennan, then what is Keith going to do with the $20k of Burning Bridges merchandise cluttering up his garage? This shit ain't going to sell itself.

Burning bridges sounds generic enough to actually hawk on ebay or dollar stores.

This will takes weeks to remove and most likely require a whole new platform along with several tweets from KtC blaming the old provider for everything.

Yea their whole site is built on HTML<div>'s with no framework or plugin so they will have to re-code the page from scratch and probably fuck around the margins and padding a bunch to make it look normal. Might take a few months.

He really couldn’t draw a hand and just used a real one. Cokelogic is the fuckin worst artist I’ve ever seen.

The real hand and ears have scarred me mentally