This sub is actually better now that everyone's back to ripping on the classic characters again.

163  2019-06-26 by Populer_lar

I didn't realize how much I loved hating Anthony Cumia's ugly face.


Too much cow pics not enough funny

Its the new beefers post

Need some more original artwork on here.

Moooooo you fucking cunt

I posted a faggot thread of a chick that criticized the whole Louis CK performing comedy thing and the mods didn't approve it. Faggots.

Seriously, can one of the mods actually Fucking tell us what is and isn’t acceptable? It seems random. I posted, and admittedly maybe no one would care and call me a faggot, regarding this sub’s reaction to the first episode of the latest season of Black Mirror and it was deleted.

My opinion of the new season of black mirror is that it's pretty sad that an episode about two black guys fucking each other in a video game was the best one of the bunch. Couldn't even finish the Miley Cyrus episode. Nice 50 year old smoker's voice.

My opinion of the new season of black mirror is that it's pretty sad that an episode about two black guys fucking each other in a video game was the best one of the bunch.

"so, what was it like fucking a guy in VR?"

What was it like??? dumb slope, put the VR headset back on and see for yourself.

The writing and creativity of that show has plummeted.

the second episode of the new season was so shitty and bland that I watched it twice and i couldn't tell you a thing about it other than a guy was held hostage

didnt you get it? social media is bad for us, maaan

I like the one with the Sherlock guy cause of Sherlock

I thought it was the worst one and the guy in the car was the only decent one.

I will fight you, fellow

Eat shit

sir, please

Fair enough.

I guess you have to post about things directly tied to the the various shows that no longer exist, unless of course you don't and sometimes it's ok.

Also, don't ever post anything else you see on reddit even though other subs do it constantly with no issue.

What was your favorite Bill Burr appearance from strictly the 202 High Voltage era?

That's a great question! Actually, I haven't gotten that far. I'm still making my way, slowly, through the WNEW shows.

Have you heard about this Lady Di character? I wonder what zany hijinks she's up to these days!

The fag one sucked, the Facebook one was good, the Miley Cyrus one was kind of ok.

Post it in the Louis CK sub

How about you go fuck yourself.

Awww. What's wrong with that? Wow. I'm not a mod. You must have something making your ass bleed to get so triggered. Happy to know I helped

Yeah I posted 3 things about that cow female comic and they didn't make it through.
I jerked off to her after.

I'm so gay I even messaged the mods twice about it and this sssssssssscumbags haven't responded.

At least space edge was transparent

I posted a picture of a pig with shit on its balls and said "things more pleasing to the eye than a cumia" and never saw it.


That's the one


Shocking, I know.

I'm just a /r/PaneraEmployees living in a /r/jimmyjohns world...

Thats one piece of sandwich art i just cant create.

That's one custom order I just can't complete.

That's the mustard I can't cut

Now that's a bread bowl I can't eat

SpaceEdge is gay for all the gay reasons and he has bought alts to mod this place. That fag has convinced whatever lame power structure reddit has that he can control this place and that's the only reason it's not shut down based on the name of the sub alone.

.... isn't that a good thing?

I'm coming around to realizing the failed sci-fi author saga was a mistake too

It had its funny moments but it wasn't worth it

No he's not

Let’s all message him sucking his dick so he puts the old sub back and these faggots can fuck off

failed sci-fi author

Hush, little nothing.


I hated that guy, I was happy with him being in the sub's crosshairs.

Logan Lynn was a fucking tool too.

We got lost

I agree, and we need to move on for comedic reasons, but it still fucking blows my mind that he won. He won.

I dunno, I miss fucking with that fat slob we're not allowed to even mention for some reason.

We got lost

I'm telling this sub to go the way it used to be.

...and what way was that Bravery? :chomp:

It was one of the funniest fucking subs in the website... got lost somewhere along the way....

We stopped being hilarious.

(Hugging my arms nervously, smirking incredulously)

Lost? Hmmmmm...lost.

It's just been nice not to have to deal with the dickhead contingent of the sub that is now quarantined into that dunce-pool website.

No, it isn't.


Never understood fascination with the sci-fi guy. Joe and Ant are by far the best subjects.


I like making fun of everyone equally. Especially the Marvel movie fans

All the Patrick shit and faggy infighting is on the forum now. They can all stay over there too, annoying fucking British nerds.

lying to yourself isnt healthy, chum. unfortunately, this sub is one big support group where folks are in a collective delusion together just praying no one points it out.

truly sad, folks. also, opie is an active pedophile

Meta posts are gay

Can we get back to post jew tits ?

It's because they're active. Ant is back on twitter. He's sniping at the Opster and the Opster is firing back. Joe is still Joe and always will be.

Shit like the stupid sci fi guy who can't be named happens when there's nothing going on with the classics.

This place is a pathetic shell of it's former self. Of course the only faggots left that would stand for this kind of modding would think things are better. It's not, the mods got intimidated by a fat fascist pedophile and are bigger faggots than ever. SpadeEdge and /u/Populer_lar are niggers.