This is how a retard writes/types.

31  2019-06-26 by HuxleyOverOrwell


Dungeons & Dragons, what a current reference!


he really is an old moron.

Even though I shouldn't be surprised at how retarded he is, he does manage to surprise me almost daily. I think it's the authority with which he makes his retarded pronouncements. Nigga has no ceiling for stupidity.

“You know the type, if you don’t, you are the type” \iwin this fucking retard thinks he’s constantly having these mic drop moments

Can you imagine how frustrating it will be for his daughter as a teenager?

Imagine being a teenage girl and getting picked on because ur father is such an embarrassing unemployed loser. And he puts it all over the internet. As if being a teenager isn’t humiliating enough.

Exactly. I imagine he gives these same speeches to his family. She will try to interject with some kind of logic and he will already be on to the next one.

Don’t forget the being fucked long and hard by her uncle Anth before she is of legal age...

She’s going to bring a respectable black gentleman home one day and Joe will finally be speechless. Forever trapped in a never ending cycle of ‘so so so so so so so...’.

I feel bad for her, honestly. Googling her name and it’s just a “HA HA HO LEE SHIT” moment if you’re a kid who knows her from your algebra class in high school. How in the fuck will a 14-year-old girl cope?

Lynsi, Hudson, and Opetta (Lennon) really dodged the internet bullet when the main sub went down.

“Why does your dad keep insisting he’s not a pedophile?”

"My dad? Oh, he's the one in the sleeveless hoodie."

She will find love in the form of other adult male characters aka she's gonna get knocked up by someone with an apostrophe in their name.

It's going to be incredibly easy for her to manipulate he retard dad into basically anything so she'll probably die of fentanyl overdose by 16.

The D&D community has some of the nicest people ever in it. It's like he confused 4Chan and mother's basement with people who grew up watching Mr. Rogers

can retards enter contracts?

This fucking retard has the fucking nerve to write that after he came in here and started flashing his udders around like the faggotity AIDS infested piece of shit that he is so we could give him attention

started flashing his udders around

niggas ribs

He literally pouted when he kept getting downvoted in to oblivion. Hypocrisy is so second nature to these fucking dirty moops.

Ah yes the Moops. The lazier, dumber, blacker cousin of the Moors

He must've made at least 20 posts over the last couple of months saying how he's definitely finished here this time, only to be back within 24 hours looking for more attention.

There are no words for how pathetic he is.

Ouchie, what a zinger.

Dungeons and Dragons? How about draggin' that crypt keeper wife of yours out of her dungeon, faggot.

You'd have to pass a willpower check (DC 20) to fuck that bitch.

I wonder how much pent up hate Tranthony secretly has toward Joe. Fucking bovine mongoloid

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I love how he puts his brothers website in there as if it's his own.

He wants a show on CP so fucking badly.

I think he calls it KP.

It's totally legal to Jack to it

At this point Ang is just jealous GBA will likely have way more views than his own show

Where is he with the rantcast? I was promised he would quintuple down on the non pc!

His financial future depends on it just as much as Anthony.

Does he understand I and probably most of us use this app exclusively while taking a shit

He doesn’t. There’s just a lot of us. So there is always someone here that is taking a hit somewhere. Joe isn’t that bright.

Or at work. I love his place, but i rarely visit on my off time

There have been times in the past year where I woke up in the middle of the night and immediately grabbed my phone to see if Joe had done more stupid embarrassing shit since I went to bed..

And like half the time, he had.


It’s funny that online trolling was hilarious when his brother’s radio show focused the pests on various targets.

What a hopeless boomer.





I'm sure the irony of Joe mocking people who play D&D while he makes a living playing dress up is lost on this dummy.

Great point except we all know Joe makes his living by sponging off his little brother.

A deadbeat 60 year old living off sibling welfare from his little brother is telling others that THEY need to grow up.

Isn't Dungeons & Dragons the game where you roleplay as a certain character and act out things that character would say and do? You a tribute musician?

Duh. That’s THE JOKE, libtard. #iwin

Yeah but Does YOUR roleplaying get you FREE red GATORADES and "BIG" turkey SANDWICHES redditard? 😎

EVERYTHING goes back to the 70s with these fucking morons. Stay off social media.

Hmmm. Maybe Joseph is a bit hot under the collar.

"So I figured I'd advertise how much they've consumed my thoughts to my family, friends, and the bots that follow me."

Seriously. This is the only thing going on in his life. Chasing the high of the #redditardpwnage is better than admitting that he's a complete and udder failure as a musician, husband, father, and heterosexual.

Guys I'm in my 30s but want to start playing dungeons and dragons. Will it be fun since im grown?

Go ask Vin Diesel, faggot.

Dumb cow

This is his twitter bio... We're all he talks about. Zero effect on their lives.

A "man" who non-ironically likes the music of Journey has no business talking shit about anyone. D&D is FAR cooler than Journey ever was, is or will be.