Joe Cumia going 88 in a 70 zone with his kid in the back make vines videos is literally deplorable. For the Canadians and British fags that's 142 km/hr

71  2019-06-24 by TheWelfareMan

He really is fucking junk


Pardon the grammar gents, my phone is a faggot and I've been smoking that stuff.


Classy Canadians like myself only smoke weed.

Look at the braggart

He also uses the emergency lane to skip traffic, as though he discovered some kind of life hack that only he is smart enough to use

No, shit for brains, you didn't; if everyone drove like your retarded ass the roads would be unusuable and traffic would look like it does in Liberia

It's called The Joseph Lane.

Faggot lane

Just for my own clarity, he's talking about the shoulder, right? He calls it the Breakdown Lane and OP calls it the emergency lane. I just want to make sure we're all talking about the same thing.


He really is a piece of shit in everything that he does.

Yeah same exact thing

I guess it just reminds him of home.

I actually googled "most traffic accidents per capital" and got Liberia, and after that every other country in Africa

I did research for a Reddit comment

The concept behind Liberia is hilarious - "So uh, is it too late to return these?"

He has no idea how to function in the white man's society. On account of being a nigger.

Only a libtard would do something like that. Ohh! Look at me! I DESERVE to drive in the emergency lane!

Joe is a huge Trump supporter

Just like he's not a "redditard". He spends his life pretending he isn't everything that he is.

A real conservative would follow the rule of law. Only a self-important libtard thinks that rules don't apply to them and try to grab everything they can.

Only a self-important libtard thinks that rules don't apply to them and try to grab everything they can.

Sounds like Trump

Yep, Trump wants nothing to apply to him, which is why I'm always so confused on how many people think he's a righteous religious man.

People are rubes, you see.

How does it feel to have a political and social awareness on the level of Joe Cumia?

this was the straw that broke the nigger's back for me. after that it felt like he had it all coming

When this Barbie Fiat hits 88, you’re going to see some Moo

Ahh, I see your username was inspired by Joe

Actually it was inspired by /u/thetoolman after he banned an old account for making fun of him.

We use Miles in the uk. Take back your slur.

We have a very confusing half metric half imperial system so much so that i am confused which one is which. We use feet and inches for height, stones for weight ( although pounds is slightly more used than KG's), miles and yards, feet and inches for distances but also meters and cm's. Pints for liquids but litres for fuel.

Anything that increases the risk of Joe's dna lasting in the world is a good thing too.

Pick a fucking side.

We don't like the European way. We never fully embraced it.


My parents/aunts and uncles use your weather Fahrenheit and i have no idea what they mean. I don't even know how they work it out as its never on weather forecasts here anymore. Might make a newspaper headline when it gets really hot as it looks more impressive that 36 degrees being 110 or whatever it is

Way more useful. The difference between 21-25 is 70-80 here so we can actually describe the real temperature without having to use decimals.

We only use decimals when talking about the hottest day of the year record.

That’s so much worse. That means within 4 degrees Fahrenheit or so there’s no difference in your measurement. Except there’s a huge difference between 30-34 or 68-72 or 86-90

Who gives a shit about the weather forecast?

Basically every person on the planet.

^ those faggots

Without getting all spinal tap ( why not make 11 10?) the numbers mean more so its kinda more precise than your vaguer method. Plus the whole freezing point being zero and boiling water being 100 degrees makes way more sense

No, it’s far less precise.

In Fahrenheit, the human body is 98.6 degrees. When your body crosses 100.1 you’re having a fever that a doctor should at least take a look at.

In centigrade you need to use TWO decimal places for there to be a difference in those temps.

And the numbers I just gave are two degrees above and below freezing (important anywhere road conditions may be bad or your children may not have school), above and below baseline temperature (that four degrees is the difference between short and long sleeves/pants) and the last is the difference between a hot summer day and a dangerously hot summer day.

Each one of those can’t be expressed easily in centigrade because they’re the same number of degrees.

What are you on about? I've never once seen the temperature with a decimal point. Did you just make that up?

That’s the point, dipshit. We almost never need to because Fahrenheit is a system that almost never requires it.

(And yes. People use decimals for temperature all the time. I’m sure you don’t get a lot of reading done in your semi.)

I'm talking about Celsius you fucking mong. Are you talking about semi detached houses? Speak english cuntybaws.

I’m talking about a lorry, cocksucker.

You panera-heads are all the same, looking down on us truckers from your bready towers.

The only marketable skill you have the rest of all got when we were 16.

Cool being the lowest class of worker, man. You’re an Uber driver except people give even less of a fuck about you.

I'm not actually a trucker you fool.

Got that. Deleted already.

Fucking coward.

Or just sensible enough to correct myself when I’m wrong.

You are a gutless faggot.

I’m not gutless...

Yet you were so afraid of humiliation you deleted a comment that showed you for the fool you are. A stupid, cowardly faggot.

No, I was wrong. See, when you can’t admit when you’re wrong you know what they call you?

Joe Cumia. That’s right. I might be a faggot but you’re the bovine king of faggots.

Disingenuous pussy.

You’re right. You’re not like Joe. You’re like Ant. Joe can’t spell disingenuous.

But you’re a thick headed kid toucher who formulates a sentence in the manner of Long Island white trash.

When ants fight, it is usually to the death!

No bot, when Ants fight it’s with a Times Square hooker to the firing.

Ants do not breathe through a centralized respiratory system, like many other insects ants breath throughout their entire body.


Your point is stupid. In practical terms people can't notice 2 degrees difference in Fahrenheit. That's why when people describe the temperature it's "high sixties" or "low eighties." In everyday use you can't feel the difference and in scientific use it's no harder to use fractions. So the idea that Fahrenheit is more precise and thus more useful than Celsius is poppycock.

I don't know whatyou faggots are fighting about. Kelvin is the way to go

You know what? I stand corrected.

Joe Cumia hates kelvin because he’s an absolute zero

I liked it.

Stone is the same system as pounds it’s just the rest of the world stopped using that measurement hundreds of years ago because it’s basically useless.

I really do hate all of you for this.

In one of the vines you can see his what I assume is his kid in the rear view mirror. He looks so fucking fed up. I'd link it but it seems the vine compilation has been taken off YouTube in the last 24 hours. I'm sure bovine brain probably copyright claimed it.

for anyone that wants it (20 min vine compilation) i'll upload it or send it. i was planning on making a video but i couldn't be arsed

Was he late?

this was the straw that broke the nigger's back for me. after that it felt like he had it all coming

We use mph in Britain dumb fuck.

You say that like people should give a fuck.

Good point.

Go listen to redbar and obsess over Patrick you limey cunt fuck

the Canadians and British fags that's 142 km/hr

Nah, it's 88Mph in a 70MPH

Layla's going to grow up to be a complete piece of shit, ignorant, racist, social media addict.

If she doesn't get Qadan'ed, that is.

Faggots arguing about systems of measurements. Who gives a shit

Don't we have video proof of Joe cheating at a compound party poker game? As if he hasn't stolen enough from his brother.

I’m amazed that piece of shit can hit 88 without coming apart.

It’s an Italian engineered car built in Mexico.