Who do you hate more? Jim Norton or Anthony Cumia?

28  2019-06-24 by Populer_lar

I go back and forth a lot. But at least I can listen to Anthony Cumia speak without going into a rage (I just fall asleep), so I hate Jim Norton more.


I’d say I’m in the same boat as you. Listening to Jim now is really a task. I can only stand to listen to older clips of when he actually was funny, but I ultimately end up listening to him start pontificating and shit. I hate Jim.

jim was never funny.

I don’t know, man. Sometimes he gave me a good chuckle, like that time a listener sent the picture of the retard with Tony Romo in. Sometimes when he got pissed at BoBo/Lady Di/Marion it was funny too. But those days are long gone, now he’s just a pontificating scumbag

It's impossible to enjoy that stuff anymore knowing he's putting on an act. It just sickens me. At least Ant was always legit.

True. To each their own, I guess, but yeah even listening to the old Norton clips is getting infuriating.

In all fairness, you don't want to motherfuck the guy

Jim is a legitimate sociopath who should just be put to sleep at this point. It’s best for everyone

I absolutely despise them both but nobody on earth is as despicable as Jim Norton. I’d lol if he got shot in the face.

He gets shot in the face every night.

vurry good

As much as I dislike Ant he at least has some relatable qualities, Jim has none unless you're in to trannies, creeping out celebrities or going home to stare at a wall.

Jim Norton is worse. I can still listen to Anthony do his greaseman impression and be happy

Ant. At least Jimmy knows he's a mess at a near surface level. Ant is deluded or hides it better

For all his faults Anthony didn't throw Louie under the bus.

Basically, Sam Roberts is the worst. At least Jim and ant used to be funny

“Jim, you don’t like our new wholesome intro?”

ear-shredding goat laugh

Norton, I agree is a little wormy but every interaction I’ve ever had with him was a positive one. He strikes me as a good dude who unfortunately happens to also be a coward.

Any on the other hand? Man. When I was 21 he was the coolest guy ever. We’re all idiots when we’re young and that’s one of my dumbest opinions ever. He is one of the most infinitely despicable people on the planet. Fuck that guy in a bullethole. When he dies sad, drunk, and alone surrounded by kiddie porn I hope somebody gives the compound a Viking funeral.

What interaction(s) did you have with Norton?

Dick sucking, most likely.

Oh and this.

I see him at clubs when he’s in southern California. Back when I lived in NYC I’d bump into him and gawk like a retard/ask dumb questions about the business. I believe he was also at one show event I went to with Silera, Casey, and ESD. I helped a girl I know get his opening spot at American Comedy Club a few years ago. Pretty limited but he’s never motherfucked me maaan.

Nice mining others' quips on redditsearch.io you fucking loser.


Opie. Always Opie.

Picking between a pedophile who is denial about loving trannys or a rapist who won't shut up about trannys, that's a tough one man.

At the peak of the show Nana was funnier so I guess if I had to pick I'd go with the guy who abandoned his mom over the guy who's parents couldn't get a hold of him so they could give him Christmas gifts.

Norton, at least Cumia was given a shot in the face of humble pie, but Norton continues to suckle off the teet of O&A success and put out a bullshit morning show and act like they deserve to have Fridays off and negotiate times. It's infuriating that the one guy who probably should've been fired for raping a drunk girl in studio, is now the only somewhat host left. I don't like any of the hosts but Norton is the worst.

Probably Norton. But I despise a certain failed sci-fi writer and comedian more than both of them combined.

Oh, Jim, by far.

Anthony’s utterly worthless as a human being, but he’s surprisingly far down on the list of the most reprehensible people in the O&A world.

I hate Jim, Joe, and Sam a lot more than Anthony. But this is more of a testament to how awful these people are than to Ant’s innocence.

I hate Sam as much as the next guy, but is he really worse than a straight up pedophile?

"Maybe kiss you" for fuck's sake.

Ant is just a garbage person. His dad got him Buzz, marrying Joe's ex, freebase w/ mom, etc. His only friends are fans of the show. Jim is a sociopath. He will mimic and use whoever is around him to get what he wants.hi "addiction", Louie, $60k for whores, or crying about Jeter. His name is the Worm for a reason and that's why he is more hateable.

i dnno they seem like decent guys

Ant's at least honest about being a ghoul. Norton just takes the shape of whatever container you pour him into.

God damn Patrice had the best way of describing people. Pretty sure he's the one who originally started calling him a worm.

Nice hot take, stupid.

Sam Roberts should be shot in a field

Would you accept a vacant lot

I hate chemistry and physics for willing them into existence

Norton is aware and deliberate in the horrible things he does. Nana is an alcoholic mess who is just shitty by instinct.

I don't hate either of them. I would tell you if I did, honest

Cumia and it’s not close.

Majority of people in this thread have said jim norton, so why cumia?

Nana. Norton's rape aside, he's little more than an unfunny goblin with entitlement issues. Cumia literally grooms children, is proud of his pedophilia, and fancies himself a real badass.

AntH is probably the worse human being, on account of his pedophilia and abandoning his mother

And yet it’s Jim that I want to kill with a hammer

Did you forget the whole raping a passed out girl thing?

Yes I did.

Its hard to choose. Probably jim but only cause his career is going better.

I don't know man, that's a tough one. If I had an opinion, I would tell you, genuinely.

So yeah. Jim. Definitely. At least Nana is slightly honest about what he thinks/is. The worm is a truly disgusting blight.

regardless of who is actually a worse person, jim norton is the most hateable faggot on this gay earth

Anthony Cuminass

Each one have their days..

Lately Ant's over inflated ego and self-delusional bubble has been too strong. He's becoming all the things he likes to point out about Opie.

As far as I know Jim hasn't been broadcasting long form open-and-honest conversations about adult topics, only the usual puns and fart jokes.

They aren't people.

Ant's obsession with underage girls automatically makes him the worst but I'd actually place Sam Roberts immediately after him and put Norton on the third place. Porsalin's Sam documentary as well as the interviews he did with Pat Duffy and Cream Pie Jones really made me despise Primetime for being a backstabbing, emotionally stunted manipulator who goes far beyond with his shitty behavior than we ever got to witness on the show. Add to this his massive sense of entitlement, nasally voice, manchild hobbies, piss-poor taste in entertainment and his infantile eating habits and you have one immensely hateable person.

Almost a decade ago I would've probably considered Danny and Roland to be the absolute worst people from the old show. Funny how things sometimes turn out.

Anthony because all he had to do was call Opie, be somewhat friendly to the guy who saved you from a life of blue collar work, and have a beer with him. But this egotistical wop couldn't even do that.

Ant for pedophilia, imagine being one of those poor kids in that mansion. Not to mention Anthony is literally the ugliest person in the world. The horror and grief is insurmountable. Drugs, toys, booze; everything you'd need to lure a kid and knock her out. Literally the stuff of nightmares and there's no funny angle to it.

I’m a norton hater more so than the wop. The wop is who he is and that’s all that he is. He’s awful, buts he’s truly awful. Norton is awful but in a way where he tries to pretend he is t and that he is some kind of real new age thinker and on the cutting edge of comedy, he is not. He’s just awful.


Honestly without thinking about it much, I associate ant more with having fun laughing at his failures almost more than really hate. Unlike jimmy which is nothing but pure hatred