Does Derosa not look at himself in the mirror before leaving the house?

101  2019-06-23 by SibHashian13


Why would he want to lower his self esteem?

Jim trying to convince Joe to take hormones.

*to stop taking

Looks like that conversation happened a year or so ago and Joe was... agreeable.

Nice Egyptian Camel humps.

This picture really shows the pinnacle of masculine form, doesn’t it?

And they ain't being apologetic about it

They look like a couple of tards

These shorts that Derosa made were so embarrassing.

Wasn’t there an episode with a bunch of them losing their shit over a few comments left about those shorts?

At least it wasn't a vice show

I liked the 'Cheater' one :/

God dammit how does literally having breasts not make you want to get in shape

He’s looking dumb on purpose here.

Such dedication to his craft to grow C cups for this role.

"Fuck it. Not gonna constantly tug my XXL shirt away so no one sees my nipples point when it's too cold. Just FUCK IT I'm done with that. Going to be comfortable with being me" overcompensating

Nice curves, stupid.

I saw Joe DeRosa in Boston last week. One of his bits was how he gets harassed on Twitter about his "juicy breasts"

Did you pay for it

He had to see Derosa live, isn’t that punishment enough?

He did that bit when I saw him too. Have you seen /r/JoeDerosasTits

Did you pay for it?

Sure did

His shoulders slid off to his chest

nice shoulders stupid

Those short films were POWERFULLY unfunny.

What do you want him to do? The man is Grimace.

I'm not a fan of the new sub's beefer posts.

Hi not a fan of the new sub's beefer posts., I'm dad.

No, you’re a faggot.

He does and plays with those jibblies of hisbefore stepping out.

Somehow, some way, Jim actually looks better than someone else in a photo

big titled faggot and a sack of shit

Not defending his body shape but he obviously wore a tank top in order to play a goofy asshole, which is what his character was.

Meanwhile lazy, untalented Jim wears the clothes he normally does and makes no attempt to play anyone other than Jim Norton (or is simply unable to do so).

Jimmy is an abysmal actor. Seriously one of the worst I’ve ever seen. You know you’re in trouble when you’re doing a scene with Joe DeRosa of all people, and he blows you out of the water.

Jim “XL when I should be wearing a medium” Norton

To be fair this is years ago from a video where he was supposed to dress like a douche and he’s lost a little weight since then. But yes I see your point and the answer is that mirrors are prohibited in the DeRosa residence

Joe Derosa has "nerms". Shoulderless freak.

Poster child for spanx

Joe looks like shit but he at least seems comfortable with himself and doesn’t take himself too serious. Even in this picture norton looks totally uncomfortable.

Always wondered what happened to Corky after Life Goes On.

His moobs are probably the only reason he managed to drag (pun so not intended) ol Jimmy out for a stroll. Maybe kiss you

He can never carry lumber on his shoulders

i was near blackout drunk when joe did the goddamn comedy jam at moontower in austin & i heckled something about “no shoulders joe.” it felt unwarranted at the time but now i see that it was

You know what's great? Norton and Derosa are on the same levels of attractiveness, yet Derosa is constantly getting laid by the hot 25 year olds that Jim can never fuck.

Joeboy likes the older gals. He was hittin on sexagenarians 10+ years ago. Went into detail on Uninformed.

How can he have tits that big, he ain't even fat.

100% thought that was a woman until I opened the thumbnail

Body of a Connecticut lesbian, arms of a forklift operator, face of a Postal Office delivery man.

In other words, how the fuck he's not a virgin?


With a body like that, would you?