“And maybe kiss you”

43  2019-06-23 by SibHashian13


Old effects were so cool

What movie is this? And how was that done?

Not sure on the movie but it's a trick with makeup and a camera filter. You can kinda see the white dots painted on her face and once they apply the filter the white spots are darkend. Old school Hollywood was the shit

Either way god damn it was good. Thought it might be Ed Wood because I never saw that.

Yeah and now

“Oh we can’t do that just green screen it.”

What if it doesn’t look real or even possible “Who gives a shit do what I tell ya”

That effect is nearly as terrifying as Nana himself.

Is that the bitch who played the witch in The Wizard Of Oz?

no she died of hay in her cunt and asshole

Wtf. Didn’t Margaret Hamilton just die of a heart attack?

That was Auntie Em.

I miss Otto

He was a sweet boy.

when she's 29

when she's 30

Asian turning 40