Enjoy Jimmy doing a little crowd work.

1  2019-06-22 by hulkanator


I lasted 25 seconds. That includes the intro.

It's just so uncomfortably forced he may as well have told us this set is fucking endless. This is proof that without O&A, he would have had a sub Vos level career trajectory. It was the one medium where he ever had the capacity to be naturally funny and even that's gone now.

But it’s not clear, did his girlfriend want to fuck him with a strap-on?

You’re not at the Cellar, loser, you don’t need to do your setup in four different tones of voice before you get to the bit.

I know that comedians want to play theaters because it pays so much more to sell thousands of tickets but why doesn’t he do a special in a small club? His standup from small venues looks and feels much more natural and he’s relaxed and not mugging for the camera. He is capable of being funny but his written material is just decent. All his specials look and feel exactly the same.

Wow this was actually part of the special. Fucking awful.

Anthony could tell basically the same story except substitute a real dick instead of a strap-on and a brother instead of an ex-girlfriend.