u/DOXXER100 can you please confront u/TheBlueAwning and shut down his false allegations once and for all?

39  2019-06-21 by SirSodomy

I’m so sick and tired of the blatant disrespect and lies towards a veteran and father of four.

u/DOXXER100 u/TheBlueAwning


Have these two gentlemen ever addressed each other directly on here?

Daniel has directly replied to JoeH but for some reason JoeH doesn’t want to reply to him

Really? Joe is well-known for his ability to handle confrontation and stand up to a challenge.

You’re damn right which is why I’m so confused as to why he refuses to put Danny in his place

Joe is all bluff and no stuff.

Hey shitdick you don’t talk to an American veteran like that

Joe will certainly come in here and put all those rumors to rest, like that one where that pedophile rapist used to hang out at his house.


How can it be my house if my brother paid for it?

Alright, faggot though you may be, that one wasn’t bad.

Using that logic you don’t own so much as the Sons of Anarchy shirt on your back.

I thought you said you were leaving forever about 17 different times? Stupid old man

At least 50 times but you keep coming back like an abused wife.

Nigger YOU'RE Joe Cumia. Have you begun to slip into the same Alzheimer's that took your mother's soul?

Except butt stuff

I like the high school football coach style trashing.

You gotta tag them in replies, not in the message body.

u/DOXXER100 u/TheBlueAwning

Toughing-talking, says-it-like-it-is, no shame Moomia ah-Boo Cumal deleted all his comments from today including his Fap-to-Fonner post but left his comments to it up.

did he ever respond do the recent massive shit danny talked about Ant and Kurt Love grooming bobo's sister?

Yes, he responded by crying all the way to the admins to get Danny's post removed.

No. And I desperately want Joe to refute these lies.

It’s poppycock, shit dick.

Why don’t you tell that to Danny? u/TheBlueAwning

I don’t associate with Jews.

You follow their playbook to the letter you crybaby leech

thats an impresonation acct



Bovine idiot

Would a quart of kid spit change your mind?

Make it a gallon.

Ah, so it's true about you and your brother being rapists?

I have never RAPED my brother.

It was consentual

What do you have against USA made Fenders, Joe?

Save your “no comment” for when you’re sitting in a DA’s office in cuffs, crying and begging for your puddin’ headed whore Momma. You’re not past the statute of limitations for your crimes with Jeffrey Hollander and your brother. The evidence is out there, waiting.

I hope your court-appointed attorney is a strong black woman and a former student of Judge Millan.

Justice is coming for you, Slow Joe 🐮

all the teasing aside, isn’t it embarrassing for a grown man to get an annual stipend that he didn’t earn? do you feel no shame or lack of fulfillment in life? i get that at this point you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you somehow deserve this handout but what do you tell your kid when her friends ask what her father does? Even making half of that at a minimum wage job would carry more honor than a direct deposit while you live out your guitar fantasy...it’s just really depressing even second hand reading this over and over. I hope you are one day self sufficient for the last 3-4 years of your life

danny has joined, cried and bitched, then left this sub like 3-4 times over the years constantly coming back in this order. he gets a little attention, calls us all terrible after we get bored or his kikeness, then goes back to obscurity. Hows pankikehouse going, just get out of the physic ward

You really think that misspelled word salad was only supposed to be 3 sentences, dummy?

Still waiting for that "police report", Danny