93  2019-06-20 by TacolasCage


Well guys I guess we should stop paying attention to their tour dates and whatnot, right?

Nice try joe

We need to keep the pressure up on his remaining acts, assuming this is true. We cant allow the cumia to regroup

So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.

Sun Tzu On The Art Of War

all i hear is ching chong ching chong ping pong

Yes I just said that, thank you

I don't believe it. The twitter account has 83 followers and half of them are probably from here. There's no downside to him faking that they've broken up to get people to stop messing with them.

I hope he’s cancelling all gigs via certified mail with proper 30 days notice as per contract protocol.

Racists can make contracts!

Thank you

Don't stop believing.

Almost Grownups

Almost Employed

He also tweeted from the Joe cumia show account

When is the joe bloomia show ?

Don't worry Joe. I'm sure you can find a little Filipino boy and start up the band again. Maybe John and Jeff can help you?

Do we know Sue’s race?


Well she is a shapeshifter...



Raaaaaaaamoooooone! The wheel in the sky keeps on turning!

Sometime it do be like Dat



Who think bargirls are high maintenance

Another bovine attempt at deceptions

Denial, deceit and delusion.

I document it.

Chocolate milk Hell Hole!

Called it. Hey guys i know you read here, post up about how sick of joes shit you had gotten. Ama!

What was the last straw, going on reddit today and seeing a drawing of a baby peeing in joes face?


I wonder what happened

I guess they stopped believin’.

/u/doxxer100 do you think this is going to fool anyone?

Be prepared for a 5,000 word response.

A 5,000 word response detailing how they all decided it was time to do something new ages ago and how awesome it is and everyone has miles better stuff in the works and we are all jealous of their fame and wealth, Redditards.

4,000 of them will be unnecessarily capitalized.

And the rest misspelled.

Maybe this means 2U got their big break and will be playing a local music festival in front of nearly fifty disinterested people. Think about it...all the red Gatorade you can drink and two turkey and swiss sandwiches. JACKPOT!

Can you imagine how toxic those bands practices must be? All the members know what Joe wrote and probably are embarrassed by his online behavior. They're probably just a few working guys who do this as a hobby and they can't even play gigs because the "leader" of the band is a racist idiot.

Fuck them, it’s not like they can’t find someone else who can play U2 songs or Journey on the guitar.

I'm chalking this up to blatant homophobia by Joe's bandmates.

Joe's explained (in court!) that he's not a racist, and he's still doing solo gigs, so that's the only explanation left.

🎶Give your love to a cowboy man, He's gonna love ya hard as he can🎶


Was this all because of the kiwi farms guy?

Here we stand

Worlds apart

Band broken in two



I dont believe him. Keep the pressure up.

You think Journey cover bands break up a lot because the guy who pretends to be Joe Perry wants to sing Joe Perry solo songs?

"Not Really Joe Perry"

REST IN PISS-pepper hicks

Oh this. I thought his trousers split becasue he's obese.

Just great. I was just about to hire them to play a clitoral circumcision. You guys have ruined a great band.

both 2u and almost journey.. that is hilarious.

Thoughts and prayers.

Whhhaaaa happpennned?

Im sure all 84 people are gutted with this news.

Almost Homeless